Page 33 of Say You Promise

I take a long pull off my beer before turning around and noticing the deck off the front of the living room. The building must have sunset sensors because the railings are now lit with a soft amber light. It's breathtaking.

He sets his beer down rather loudly as if to pull my attention back to him.

That's when I decide to grow a pair and speak my mind.

"While we're on the subject of lying, how about omitting the fact that you have a girlfriend." He meets my gaze and furrows his brow while thinning his lips. I can tell I hit the mark with that one. He doesn't like being called out on his own shit.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I would not have pursued you if I was in that kind of committed relationship."

Does he think I'm stupid? "That kind of committed relationship," if you have a title, you have a commitment.

"Well, from what I witnessed, your relationship as boyfriend and girlfriend seemed pretty solid, and I'm not interested in being the other girl, so I'm glad we cleared that up."

He shifts and starts to come around the island towards me. That's when I begin to walk around it in the opposite direction. Placing both hands on the countertop, he leans in.

"Gianna, don't walk away from me." I meet his irritated gaze with one of my own.

"Here's the thing if you get too close, you and I both know what needs to be said won't get said, and I'm tired of the games. You stay on your side of the island, or I leave."

That seems to sate him for the moment because he grabs his beer and leans back against the countertop opposite the island, contemplating my words before saying, "Deal, for now."



Finally,Ihaveherright where I want her, in my place. Here there won't be any distractions. There are no waiters interrupting stolen moments, no random friends vying for her attention, or, God forbid, trying to touch her.

I've had it with all these men she keeps around touching her. Every time I turn around, some guy is hugging her, kissing her, or trying to grind on her ass. I'm getting pissed just thinking about it.

I take a pull off my beer before hopping up to sit on the counter. Gianna started pacing the end of the island after requesting I keep my distance. I'm trying to appear casual and non-threatening even though every cell in my body is screaming to get closer to her.

While watching her fidget and nervously straighten my bar stools is no doubt entertaining. I'd rather be touching her. When I touch her, words aren't needed because everything is as it should be. She is meant to be mine. I just need to convince her. My movement must have caught her peripheral because she stops pacing but not before flushing with embarrassment.

"Do I make you that nervous, baby?"

She glares at me, and I throw her a wink. I can tell I'm riling her up. However, she hasn't figured out that it's one of my favorite things to do yet, so I decide to cut her a break and get on with our plans to talk.

"The girl you saw at the bar was my girlfriend. She no longer holds that title and hasn't for the past six months really. In fact, Saturday was the first time I've seen her since she left six months ago."

I don't mention why Carson was there Saturday night as the details are not relevant, but I have my suspicions on how she knew where to find me. Seeming somewhat pacified by the information she just learned, she pulls out a stool and sits before looking at me to continue.

"Her name is Carson. We started dating in High School, and we dated throughout college. Six months ago, out of nowhere, she decided she wanted to finish her last semester on the East Coast. In her words, we needed a break, time apart to see if we were meant to be. Basically, she wanted to see other people."

Jumping off the counter, I throw my now empty bottle in the trash before grabbing two more from the fridge. I slide one over to Gigi and then walk through the living area towards the deck. After sliding the door open, I gesture for her to join me outside.

The deck is a lot bigger than it appears from the street. It runs the length of the front and then down the entire side of the condo to the back, where you can enter the master bedroom. One of the reasons I loved this place was for the outside space. It's an older building that was rehabbed, so the trees surrounding it are well established, and you feel like you're sitting amongst the branches. Gianna picks up her second beer and follows me outside.

I keep my distance as promised and watch as she takes in the space. As she looks around, I can see the tension in her shoulders release, and the wonderment that fills her eyes tells me she loves this space as much as I do.

I take a seat on one of the lounge chairs before continuing my explanation. "The only reason I didn't come with you immediately on Saturday is that I was completely shocked to see her there, not only because I wasn't aware she was back in town, but none of my crew ever goes to that side of town."

Gianna's spine straightens as if that comment has made her uncomfortable. "Baby, you're the only one I want, but I wasn't going to be cruel. Carson and I have history. I at least owed it to her to tell her that we would not be getting back together in person. She didn't seem very surprised by that, nor did she seem to care." That stung a little, I'm not going to lie, but only because who wants to feel like they didn’t mean anything.

“While I have a history with Carson, we weren’t your typical couple. We didn’t practice monogamy by her choice, our relationship was arranged, and I stayed for the wrong reasons. In my world, women marry to be trophy wives, who screw the pool boy while their husbands are away on business screwing their interns. Everyone gets fucked and no one bats an eye. As misogynist as it might sound that’s the reality of my world.” It’s honestly depressing. The only successful marriage I’ve ever seen is the one my parents have. They truly seem to be in love and married for all the right reasons but that hasn’t stopped the from meddling in my affairs.

I want my girl to sit by me, and I'm trying hard to respect her space, but I have my limits. She's leaning on the railing holding her beer in her hands, tearing the label off, deep in thought, while I stare at her perfect ass. All I can think about is coming up behind her, pressing my cock into her ass, placing my lips on that spot behind her ear she likes, and inhaling her intoxicating scent. Fuck, my cock is getting hard. Luckily, she breaks my train of thought.

"While this walk down memory lane has been truly enlightening, and does explain some of your more chauvinistic tendencies, it's getting late. I think you should take me home. I live at least forty-five minutes away from here." Is she serious right now? I lay it all out there, and she's ready to leave.