Page 8 of Desperate Measures


Something smelled greatwhen I walked in the front door after a long practice with the guys. A few hours on the football field in the hot sun left me needing a shower before dinner, but I wanted to check to see what smelled so good.

“Hey Badger,” I greeted my dog when he lumbered to the front door his tail wagging. “What smells so good, buddy?”

“Daddy!” I looked up to see Bow running

down the hall toward me wearing a frilly tutu and a tiara.

“Hey kiddo.” I scooped her up when she launched herself into my arms. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she placed a kiss on my cheek. Bow had me wrapped around her little finger. If she asked for something, I would try to move heaven and earth to make it happen for her. “How was school today?”

“Teacher read to us, and we played on the playground.”

I laughed and corrected her. “Ms. Porter read to you, not teacher.”

“Yes. Ms. Porter, but she wouldn’t let me play in glitter today. You need to tell her to let me make my pictures pretty with glitter.”

“You can’t play in glitter every day, Bow. I’m not going to tell your teacher to let you have your way, that’s not how it works.”

“But it’s my favoritest.”

I kissed her head and carried her toward the kitchen. “I know, Baby Girl, but you can’t always get your way. You’re in school now, so you gotta be a big girl.”

Samantha was in the kitchen, feet bare, and stirring something over the stove. I looked at the table and saw one of Bow’s coloring books with the colors spread out on top. I put her back in the chair by her artwork.

“Hey, Samantha,” I greeted her. She was still in those jeans I’d watched her bend over in earlier today. The camera was nothing compared to seeing it in person. I was an ass man, and those jeans cupped her ass to perfection.

My dick was hard thinking about bending her over and taking her from behind. Seeing my dick plunge into her tight pussy as I smacked her ass red.

“I thought you didn’t cook?” I asked, needing to change the path my mind had gone down.

She laughed. “I don’t, but I figured I’m doing a lot of new things lately, like moving here, looking out for a kid, tutoring college why not try to learn to cook, too.”

“What are you cooking?” I asked, moving toward her.

“I’m boiling potatoes now for mashed potatoes, and there’s a meatloaf in the oven.”

I groaned. Fuck Hawthorne’s lunch this afternoon, I was going to have an amazing lunch tomorrow if I didn’t eat it all tonight, which definitely wasn’t outside the realm of possibilities.

“It smells amazing. Thanks for cooking.” I wanted to touch her back and place a kiss on her head, but I fought the instinct. This wasn’t a relationship, it was a partnership, an agreement. I needed to keep it that way.

“You’re welcome.” She looked up at me and smiled, pleasure in her eyes. I was captivated by her soft gaze.

“I’m going to take a shower.” I cleared my throat and backed away from her. “I’ll be down in a bit. Thanks again.”

I didn’t stick around to hear her reply. I went back to Bow, kissed her head again before disappearing upstairs to my room. Frustrated, I threaded my fingers through my hair and paced across my room. After only a week, I was feeling things I shouldn’t be feeling for her.

I promised myself I’d never let another woman into my life again, and in a matter of a week she was worming her way under my skin. I stopped pacing, my hands clenched into fists, and groaned.

My dick was still hard just from being around her. It’d been too long since I had a woman, and part of me wanted to do as Hawthorne suggested and go to the club where I could have meaningless sex to satisfy my needs, but I wouldn’t because the woman I wanted was in my own damn house. Fuck.


“You should see thischick Coach got us as a tutor.” I paused inside the door of the locker room, just out of sight from the guys who were getting ready for practice. “She’s fucking gorgeous. I’m gonna try to hit that and soon.”

“Shut up, Aimes.” I recognized Davis’s voice. The kid didn’t talk much, which was why he needed help with his communications class.

“Come on, Davis, you have to admit Samantha’s a ten.”

“She is, but she’s also not that kind of girl and you know it.”

“How do you know what type of girl she is, Asshole?” There was a pause. “Oh shit, you want to tap that, too.”

The guys laughed, carrying on their conversation about Samantha, and rage coursed through me. I felt my temper rising at the way they talked about her. I’d heard the guys talk about women before, and I chalked it up to locker room talk. This was Samantha though, my Samantha.

“Let’s go ladies.” I called out, trying to hide my anger. “We’ve got work to do and our first game to prepare for next week.”

I glared at them for talking about her that way. They would pay for it on the field though. Coach was out, and I was in charge of practice. These fuckers would be so damn tired, they wouldn’t be able to think with their damn brains, let alone their fucking dicks.