Page 20 of Desperate Measures


I worked out againbefore heading home. The punching bag helped to relieve some of the tension in my shoulders. I fucked up, again. I shouldn’t have crossed the line with Samantha because now things were strained between us.

I wanted her again, but I knew I blew it last night the minute I thanked her and walked away. I’d stood outside her bedroom door and listened to her muffled cries. Every bit of me wanted to go back in there and pull her against my body and hold her so she wouldn’t be alone, but the doubts in my mind kept me from doing what I wanted.

My arms ached by the time I was done hitting the bag, imagining my frustrations there and picturing Samantha’s ex. He’d hurt her and I hated him for it, but then I also pictured myself as the bag because I was no better. I hurt her too, and I didn’t see a way to avoid it. Not when I could tell she felt something for me, something deeper than what I was willing to give her.

My biggest issue was the fact that I still wanted her, but I didn’t want to cause her anymore pain. There was no way to avoid it though, rip the band aid off now or later, but eventually sex wasn’t going to be enough and while we would be married, she would want a real marriage and that was something I didn’t think I could do.

She’d have my name, my ring, my daughter, my home, my money, but the one thing I wasn’t willing to hand over and share with her was my heart. I took a deep breath and gave the bag one final punch before going to the locker room and pulling my bag from inside my locker.

“You ok?”

I looked over at the female voice that never stopped getting on my nerves, Professor Edwards stood there in workout clothes, a towel draped around her neck and her sprots bra and tight shorts leaving nothing to the imagination. She had been after me from the second I came here. After her divorce, she had been on the hunt for another husband. I’d rebuffed each of her advances before, but I had no patience for it today.

“Doing good. Got to get home, my kid is sick.”

“Oh no. Well, I can bring by some chicken noodle soup later.”

“No thanks, my fiancée already has some for her.” I pulled my duffle up on my shoulder and walked away without a backward glance. Maybe between my rudeness and the fiancée comment, she would finally leave me the fuck alone.

It was quiet when I finally walked in the front door. Bow’s typical laughter, the smell of dinner, and Badger’s happy yips were missing. I looked at my phone, but there was nobody coming or going in the last few hours, so they were somewhere around here.

I checked downstairs before heading upstairs. Samantha’s door was open and the TV cast a light over her bed. The bed I’d tied her to and fucked her in the night before. She was sound asleep with Bow lying beside her passed out. Badger lay on the foot of the bed asleep and standing guard. His head popped up when he saw me and he got up, stretching before he hopped off the bed and came to me, tail wagging.

“Did you take care of them, boy?” I leaned down to rub his head behind his ears before looking back up at the girls. “Come on, let’s go outside.” I walked downstairs, Badger following behind me. “Go do your business.” I opened the front door, knowing he wouldn’t leave the yard and since we were on our own street, there was never anyone coming down here.

While Badger was outside, I went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water and made a quick sandwich for dinner. Since they were already asleep, it was just me eating. Badger scratched on the door when he was ready to come back in, so I let him back in and locked up the house before grabbing shorts and a shirt from the clean laundry and heading into the bathroom.

I showered quickly and headed back upstairs. These extended workouts after school and practice had to end. I was using them to keep my distance from Samantha, but that also meant I wasn’t getting to see much of Bow either. That was over now. I’d had Samantha once, and I wanted her again.

Making a decision, I went into Sam’s room and picked up Bow, taking her into her room and tucking her into her own bed. She was still flushed with fever, but her nose didn’t seem as stuffy as it had been earlier when I’d seen her.

I made sure Bow was good before I went into my room to grab some condoms and headed back into Sam’s room. I shut the door quietly behind me. She was so damn beautiful, her soft brown hair fell in loose waves across the pillow, and her smooth milky skin looked as soft as I knew it felt. My dick was already getting hard just thinking about putting my hands on her again.

She was wearing a pair of tiny pink cotton shorts with hot pink piping, and her shirt was baggy and gray with a giant pink flower across the chest. This was the real Sam. As beautiful as she looked in that purple get up the night before, she looked every bit as stunning in the shorts and tee she was wearing tonight. I smirked to myself, thinking she looked even better naked.

I flipped off the tv before approaching the bed. Part of me wanted to let her sleep and told me I should, but the other part of me, the part that was standing at attention and begging to be buried inside Samantha for some much-needed relief.

Seduce her or turn away and let her rest? There’s a third option, you idiot, I said to myself. Lay down with her and go to sleep for the night. I stood there watching her sleep, and I knew I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t wake her to satisfy my need for her. So I had a choice to make, climb in bed with her or walk away and wait for tomorrow.

I shoved the condoms in my pocket and walked away. My need for her was beyond anything I’ve ever felt before. I craved her, and I hated myself for needing and wanting her so fucking bad. She could destroy me worse than Rayne did, and I wasn’t sure I could survive something like that again.