Page 8 of Maid To Tempt

“Yes.” She whispered, her ragged breathing was choppy and her breasts rose and fell with every rapid, shallow breath she took.

“Tell me.” I wanted to hear her say it. I needed to hear that she wanted it as much as I did.

“You want me to come on your tongue before—” She trailed off.

“Before what?”

“Before you fuck me and breed me.” She swallowed hard, the nervous look back in her eyes. I would never want to rush her too fast and scare her off, but God, I wanted her to be mine. I’d never wanted someone so much in my life.

“You okay with that, Sprite?”

She bit her lip, “I shouldn’t be. This is crazy right. You know nothing about me, and I don’t know anything a bout you. Yet I feel this pull, this need for you that defies all reason or logic. I’ve never been with anyone before, Oliver. I’m a virgin. I shouldn’t need this so damn bad. Is it crazy? Tell me I’m not losing my mind to even contemplate this?”

“If you’re crazy for needing me this much, then so am I because I need you too. I’ve never once needed or wanted a woman the way I want you. I’ve never craved someone so much in my life. I’ve never wanted a woman to call me her Daddy before. I never let myself need it from anyone before. As big as this is for you, Little Sprite, I’m right there with you. I’ve never wanted to give a woman my seed before. I’ve always taken extreme caution to prevent accidentally getting someone pregnant.

If I get you pregnant baby, it’s no accident. I want you pregnant with my kid. I want you in ways I’ve never allowed myself to want someone before, but if you need me to slow down, i will. I want what you want, Luna. I need what you need. If you need time, I’ll take care of you and give you the time you need.”

She swallowed hard, “I need time to think.” She said softly, “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be, Sprite. I pushed too hard too fast. I let my need for you run wild. I’ll make sure your ready before we go each step, but at least you know what I want.”

“I want you, Daddy. That hasn’t changed. I just don’t know about a baby yet. I’m only eighteen. I was going to take a semester off and start college in the spring after I found out what was going on with my mom.”

I pushed off the floor and moved onto the bed beside her, my dick was still hard as fuck, but I didn’t have condoms on me. I’d planned to fuck her bare and fill her with my cum. If that wasn’t happening, there was no way I could get inside her and not fill her. Sex was off the table for tonight. Part of me cursed myself for asking if she was okay with it, but I had to make sure. I didn’t want her to have any regrets come morning.

Her brow creased as if she was worried. I moved to lean back against the headboard and pulled her into my lap, her hip pressing into my cock, but I ignored it. She needed to know me before she was sure, and I didn’t want any doubts. Because I was certain she was going to be the mother of my kids.

“What’s wrong with your mom?”

She leaned her head against my shoulder, trusting me even though we were both naked and my cock was hard as a stone. “She’s got cancer. I found out a few weeks ago when I came home and she was on the ground unconscious. I called the ambulance and then called my sisters home. This place has been a refuge to me. It’s the only empty house that I clean, so the first night after i found out, i came here and cried. It’s been my shelter in this storm.”

“Where were your sisters?”

She smiled, “They were in New York, actually.” I watched as her face lit up as she talked about her family. She had seven sisters, all of them had moved away and she’d stayed behind to be with their mom. She loved each of her sisters, but I could tell she loved just having her mom to herself for a while too. Plus, she had to finish high school. That was just another freaking reminder of how very young she was.

“Where’s your dad?” I asked as I ran my hand up and down her back. I wanted to know her, everything about her. It was more than sex for me, and the only way I knew how to show her that was to wait for her to say the word.

“He died when I was two. I don’t remember him. It’s always been mom, my sisters, and me.”

“I like that you’re close to your family too.”

“What about you?”

“I was upset when my agent told me I was traded to San Diego because all my family is back in New York. I didn’t want to leave them, but I understood why I got traded.”


“I got a tear in my rotator cuff” I shrugged even though it wasn’t a small thing “Ended up finishing the season riding the bench.”

“That sucks.”

“Yeah it does. I love baseball, always have. I can’t do the whole nine to five thing because I’d drive myself crazy. That’s why I haven’t tried to be an active member of the board at Blake International. My siblings, parents, and cousins have it covered so I play baseball. They don’ t need me there. I have a very inactive role in the company.”

“If you retired what would you do?”

“I dont know, honestly. I want kids, lots of them.”

“Me too. I didn’t think I would want a large family since I came from such a large family, but this last year without any of my sisters around was kinda hard on me. I missed them. Video chats are great, but it isn’t the same. The last year has been bittersweet I guess. I’ve loved the quiet, but sometimes the quiet felt deafening.” She laughed, “Does that make sense?”