Page 10 of Maid To Tempt

I put my bag down on the floor and went to the bed falling face down on it and burying my head in the pillow to let out a muffled scream. “You’re later than normal and you’re trying to smother yourself. What’s up Little Sis?”

I turned my head to look over at my sister. She had a small smile on her face, like she thought I was being over dramatic. I probably was, but I couldn’t help feeling so confused by him and wanting him so damn much it hurt to leave his bed, and I did leave his bed after he fell asleep.

“Gabs, I’m in way over my head.”

Her smile fell and concern furrowed her brow. “What do you mean, Luna? Are you okay?”

I sighed and sat up crossing my legs and facing my sister head on. If I let Gabby in, it would set the tone for how the rest of the family would react to my unconventional relationship with Oliver. “I’m okay, just confused and worried.”

“Talk to me. What’s going on?”

“Gabs, you can’t tell anybody. Not yet. I’m not ready to share this with the family.”

“Okay,” she said hesitantly. “As long as you are safe and not in any sort of danger, I won’t say a word.”

The only danger I was in was of getting my heart broken and possibly getting knocked up. I could handle the knocked up part, but I wasn’t so sure about the broken heart. That was more difficult to swallow, and I wasn’t sure how the hell to deal with all the emotions I was feeling.

“I’m not in danger. It’s just,” I paused and pulled the pillow into my lap hugging it and using it as a protective shield against the unknown reaction to my new relationship. “I met someone.” I laughed a little remembering how he dove into the pool to save my life and things only heated up from there.

“Awww, tell me more.” Gabby smiled and shifted to face me more like she was excited for the new man in my life.

“He’s quite a bit older than me.”

She groaned, “Tell me he’s not in his sixties because that’s just eww. You don’t want saggy balls, Luna.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, “God, I’ve missed you, Gabs.” I buried my face in my pillow to smother my laughter. When I had control of myself again, I looked up at her and stifled another giggle. “No,” i shook my head, “he’s thirty-four. Rich. And totally out of my league.” I swallowed hard, “He did save my life yesterday.”

Gabby’s eyes widened when I told her the whole story of how I fell into the deep end of his pool and how if he hadn’t been there I would have drowned. “Oh my God, thank God he was there Luna. Are you fucking crazy going into a pool by yourself?”

“I’ve been doing it for the better part of a year, Gabs. He startled me and I fell, but yes, I’ve learned my lesson, and in fact, he’s giving me swimming lessons. That’s where I was tonight after I finished my last job of the day.”

“That’s hot. Who is he?”

“Oliver Blake. He plays baseball, but his family owns some big company too. I’m not really sure what all they do.”

She grabbed her computer and winked at me, “Let’s just have a look and see.”

She looked up Oliver Blake on Wikipedia, “Holy shit balls,” she exclaimed looking at the photos of Oliver. He was in suits and tuxes in a lot of the photos. A couple of the photos showed him on the arm of fashion models and even actresses, but he didn’t look quite happy in any of the photos. His smile didn’t reach his eyes like they did when he smiled at me.


“Ok, this guy is hot, and it says his family owns Blake International Resorts. They have a chain of luxury hotels, the type of place the rich and famous stay at, not the type of place we could ever afford.”

“Makes sense. That’s why they have a house in California that they are never at. This is the first time anyone has been in residence at the Blake home since I’ve been cleaning it and keeping up with the maintenance of the pool and lawn.”

“You’ve never seen them there?”

“Nope. He said his family is mainly in New York.”

“They are. The society rags followed them around like crazy, especially your boy here. I can’t believe you are having a thing with Oliver Blake.”

“I don’t know what we are yet. I want him. Hell, I almost had sex with him tonight, but he asked me if I was sure and when I didn’t answer, he stopped. Instead, we—” my cheeks flamed as embarrassment stole over my face and my tummy fluttered with renewed desire just talking about him with my sister. “We did other things instead.”

“He stopped, mid-foreplay?”

“Yeah.” I smiled and bit my lip. “He did.”

“Damn, that’s not easy for a guy to do.”