Page 7 of Saddle Stalker

“You ready to go get your seat, Sweetheart? It’s getting late and the show’s going to begin soon.”

“Yes, but I want to stop and get food beforehand. I’m in section one-thirty-three, I think. Let me double check that.” She pulled a small little pocket purse from her skirt and pulled out the folded-up ticket.

It didn’t matter where her ticket said she was supposed to sit. I had somewhere else for her, that wasn’t my aching cock. God, she would be a vision riding me. Her long blonde hair swaying and sweaty as she rode me hard. Her little tits bouncing with every clash of our bodies.

My little fantasy did nothing to alleviate the tightness of my pants. I’d have to come before I could even touch her just to take the fucking edge off. Leaving her in the seats designated for the athletes and their families didn’t appeal to me at all, but I had no option. I was going to have to change clothes and get ready for my event.

“It doesn’t matter what your ticket says, Skylar. You’re sticking with me.”

“But my friend paid for my tickets, they’re great seats. Why don’t you join me? I have an extra ticket.” She handed me both of the stubs.

“I’ve got better seats, and Strawberry can keep you company.”

She didn’t understand my meaning and the small disappointed pout was cute. I don’t even think she was aware of how adorable she looked.

We stopped by a booth for food. Her bag of cotton candy was halfway gone, but she needed something real in her stomach. I grabbed her a chopped beef barbecue sandwich and a sweet tea.

“You’re still not hungry?” she asked skeptically when I paid for her food without ordering anything for myself. When I rode, I ate a good breakfast and after the event, if I ate anything before riding, I’d throw up and that’s not something I’d want to with an audience, again.

“I’ll eat later, Sweetheart. I just want to get you taken care of.”

She took the large drink the lady behind the counter handed her before sliding a paper plate with her sandwich, pickles, onions, and a bag of chips on it, “Thank you.” She smiled at the lady before turning and moving out of the line. I followed behind her guiding her protectively with one hand at the small of her back.

“Hey Rhett!” People called out as we moved into the friends and family section, waving to me and clapping me on the back as I passed them. I’d been on the circuit again for three months, but sometimes families didn’t make it to some events and came for others. There were a few people I hadn’t seen in a few years hanging out getting ready for the rodeo which was due to start shortly.

“How does everyone seem to know you?”

I sighed, it was time to tell her. I was hoping to prolong it because I wanted to know she wasn’t just another buckle bunny wanting to get laid. I wanted more for her and for me.

“This is the family and friends section, Skylar. The people you see here have loved ones competing tonight.”

Her mouth parted slightly before her lips pursed to say ‘oh’. “I ride bulls, Sweetheart. I’ve got to go back to my trailer and change before I go find out which beast I’m riding tonight. Will you be ok here?”

“Yes.” She nodded and gave me a sweet smile.

“Good. I’ll come back after I change and draw my bull, then we can watch everyone else before I have to ride.”

I cupped her face and placed a kiss on her forehead. After my eight seconds riding a bull, I was looking forward to riding Skylar so long and hard she’d never want another cock, ever. I was obsessed with her.

Chapter Eight

True to his word, Rhett came back wearing full cowboy garb. He had on the plaid long-sleeved shirt and hat, but it was the chaps that had my mouth watering, me biting my lip, and squirming in my seat. He was it! Rhett was the man I’d been dreaming of. Searching for and wanting my whole life.

He was hot as fuck wearing his riding gear. I had a hard time keeping my eyes off him and he caught me staring at him several times. Each time, he gave me a wink of approval, causing me to blush bright red. It was hard to believe that I was literally tackled by the man of my dreams, but it seems I was because I liked everything about Rhett Walker.

We talked throughout the event until it was getting close for him to go get ready. He walked away and my eyes followed after him, as did a lot of other women’s eyes. Rhett was a damn magnet. He couldn’t help but to draw eyes with his size and how freaking beautiful he was. It was almost unfair.

“It won’t last honey.” A woman sitting a few rows up was looking back at me. Her green eyes were pretty, but they were shooting daggers at me. “Besides,” her overly red painted lips curled into a cat like smile, “Rhett likes his women tied up in knots. You look too innocent for that. I bet you’re more a missionary kind of girl. You’re just another Buckle Bunny that he’ll toss out as soon as he gets bored. Don’t get too attached.”

I gulped hard, trying to keep from showing my emotions. My little bubble of happiness was just burst because obviously this woman had first-hand knowledge of what Rhett liked.

I didn’t know what to say, so I just turned to look back at the arena floor. A cowboy was wrestling a steer to the ground as the crowd cheered him on. I sat there frozen, not really seeing anything in front of me. ‘Rhett likes his women tied up in knots.’ I wasn’t sure what the hell that meant. My experience with men was almost zero. A few kisses and some heavy petting were the extent of my carnal knowledge base and most of that happened today with Rhett.

The woman who’d spoken to me kept giving me side glances, but I ignored her. When the bull riding started my stomach twisted in knots. Rhett would be back soon, then what? What if I was just another conquest like she thought? I hated to think that I was just another girl in a long line of them.

The crowd cheered when Rhett’s name was announced over the speakers. “This bull has been bucking off all the riders this year. Twizzler might have met his match in Rhett Walker!”

I sucked in a breath as I watched Rhett in the chute. His hand was being tied down to the beast that was already trying to buck him off even inside the small, cramped space. When his hand was secured, I watched in horror and anticipation as the gate was open. The bull was a monster—huge. I’d never seen one that big before, or maybe he just seemed bigger because the man riding him was someone I knew and loved.