Page 67 of Finn

“You underestimate me, Finn. Your little bitch is on her way now. In fact, my guess is she’ll be here any minute, and when she gets here, you’ll see how serous I am.” I hear her slap him, and I cringe. We need to make a move, but I need to get Cara out of here first. I turn to her, but before I have a chance to say anything, she shakes her head. I’m about to argue when I hear glass shattering in the back. Fuck.

“Boys, go see what that was, Vincenzo and I will have a bit of a play while we wait.”

We hear the guys run out the back, then I indicate to Connor that we’re going in. I look to Cara and mouth, “You stay behind me at all times. Clear?”She gives me a nod, and I give the order to move.

Connor flies through the sitting room, to come around the other door as Cara and I move in unison and walk into the kitchen. “I’m gonna suggest you leave my brother alone.” I raise my eyebrow and point my gun at Vincenzo’s head.

Glancing at my brother, my heart drops when I see what they’ve done to him. They’ve stripped him to his boxers, they’ve covered every inch of him in cuts and bruises, he has blood pouring from a head wound, his left eye is almost shut, and his nose looks broken.

I look down at his torso. It looks like he’s been stabbed a couple of times, based on what I can see. Just from my glances, it looks like they were used more for torture technique rather than for maximum damage.

I’m going to rip these two fuckers apart for what they’ve done to him.

“You know, I have men outside who will be back in a few minutes.” Her whiny voice brings my attention back to her.

I chuckle, because my men created the distraction outside, and by now they will have taken care of the fuckers––she won’t see them again.

She smirks then points her gun at Cara. I step in front of her just as Finn screams, “NOOOO…” It’s enough of a distraction for Vincenzo, the coward, to bolt out the back door. Connor tilts his head and I nod as he bolts after him.

“Letting your brother run after that fucker was a mistake. I can kill you where you stand then turn the gun on Finn. I had wanted to play with his little whore for a little bit first, I wanted him to watch as I tortured her, but having her watch you both die will bring me just enough pleasure.”

“You do that and you won’t make it out of the door alive. We have men all over this fucking house.”

I watch her eyes dart between Finn, myself, and the two exits. She starts to take a couple of small side steps towards the back door, deciding on that as her exit route, but her face drops when she sees Connor step back into the doorway.

I watch her finger twitch near the trigger of the gun that she has down by her side.

“Don’t do it, Anjelica. Drop the gun.” I say, my voice calm and quiet.

The crazy bitch just laughs at me as she raises her gun and points it at Finn.

I can’t move quick enough, and I flinch when I hear the pop of the bullet leaving the barrel. I close my eyes for a moment, too fearful to open them in case I don’t like what I find.

Chapter 47

I saw the move before anyone else. Nobody had been focussed on her because they were so worried about what was happening in front of them, but I was––the slight twitch of the finger, the eye movement registering the change in Anjelica’s demeanour.

She didn’t flinch, didn’t hesitate. Her gun was pointed at Anjelica’s head before she’d even raised her own.

I’d kept my focus on her. I knew what Anjelica’s plan was, I didn’t need to watch her. It was my queen I needed to stay focussed on. I was fucking pissed she was here, and even more so that my brothers had let her come with them.

But it that moment, I knew that she was meant to be here. I knew she would be the one to save me.

I saw the ever so slight squeeze her finger made on the trigger, and I let out the breath I’d been holding onto since the moment she walked through the door.

I could see out of the corner of my eye Anjelica’s head swing back, then her body toppled backwards to the floor, hitting it with a dull thud. The second she was down, my woman ran to me, dropping to her knees when she finally fully focussed on me. You see, when she walked in, I’d seen it, the quick glance in my direction and then the locking down of her emotions––she was in control from the second she stepped in here, and nobody knew it. Nobody but me.

I’d seen her control so easily, because it matched mine. My queen may be a brat most of the time, but when it matters, when it really matters, she’s just as controlled as I am. I’ve seen little snippets here and there over the last few months, in the little things she does or says and how she responds to things. But today… Today was the first time I’d really seen her skill at levelling out her control. I was completely captivated. I didn’t think I could love and respect her more than I did, but I was wrong, I was so very fucking wrong. And I hate to say it, but I underestimated her. I’d treated her like a piece of fragile glass that might shatter at any moment, trying to shield her away from the world and the danger that awaits us.

I know now that I don’t have to hide her. I don’t have to worry she’ll crumple, because my woman is a fucking warrior. She has just shown me how much of a warrior she is.

I’m aware of movement around the room––our men, my brothers rushing about, and I can imagine they are shouting orders. I can’t hear them though.

I can’t even hear the words falling from my woman’s mouth as she rests one hand on my knees, the other cupping my face gently, stroking my cheek. All I hear is silence as I watch her, my eyes flitting back and forth between hers.

I feel hands touching my arms, tugging at the ties binding them behind me on the chair. I feel the tension ease in my shoulder when the ties are cut free, and bringing my arms around the front, I try and roll my shoulders a little to get some feeling back into them, but my left one hurts like a bitch. I’m pretty sure it’s dislocated. It doesn’t matter though, all that matters is that she’s here right in front of me and I need her to see how special she is.

Suddenly, the sound returns, and I hear Killian barking at the men, ordering them to secure the grounds and get the doc here immediately. I feel Connor’s touch on my shoulder as he tries to manoeuvre it back into place. My eyes though, I never remove them from her face. I want to commit this moment to my memory. I need her face from today to be locked in there.