Page 37 of Finn

He removes his own helmet after mine, and the moment it’s secured onto the bike, I throw myself at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and slamming my lips to his. I hear Alex and Connor chuckle next to us, but I don’t care, I’m really happy right now.

I pull away, grinning at him. “What was that for, princess?” he asks as he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

“I’m just excited to be doing something fun, thank you, Finn.”

“I wanted you to be able to have some fun and just relax for a few hours. Now, what do you say we go grab an ice cream?”

I nod, throwing my arm around his waist and tucking my hand into the back pocket of his jeans, as all four of us head towards the boardwalk.

* * *

We’ve been here for almost six hours, and I’m starting to get really tired. I try to hide it, but Finn catches my yawn. “Okay, I think it’s time we headed back, we have a big day tomorrow.”

“Aww, I’m sorry, I know you’re having fun, we can stay for a bit longer.”

“No, baby, let’s go home, we’re all tired.” He pulls me to him as we walk back to the bike, trailing behind Alex and Connor.

He secures my helmet on my head as I watch Connor do the same with Alex. I watch the interaction between them, the love that they share. I’ve noticed that with all of the brothers––how much they love their woman, how caring, passionate and dominant they are with them.

“You ok there, princess?” Finn tilts his head to look at me. I nod and smile in the direction of his brother. Finn follows my gaze, and he watches Connor help Alex on the back of his bike. The brothers share a look, and Finn taps his chest by his heart and smiles just as Connor grins at him then gives him a chin lift before climbing onto the bike in front of Alex.

“Come on, baby, let’s go, there’s somewhere I want to take you before we go back home.”

A little while later, he parks his bike and helps me off, before leading me into a building and into an elevator.

“Where are we going?”

He places a kiss on the top of my head. “We’re just gonna have a quick drink. I want to show you something.”

He leads me out of the elevator and into a room with floor to ceiling windows that overlook the Brooklyn bridge. He doesn’t give me much of a chance to enjoy the view, before leading me up a set of stairs that leads out onto a terrace, overlooking both the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges.

It’s only around seven p.m., and I’m surprised to see that’s its completely empty. I look up and see the sky is already turning that mid-blue colour that hits between day and night. The terrace is bathed in warm lights from the string lights that they have hanging from the side beams.

I walk to the railing, looking over the river to the bright lights of the city. A sense of calm washes over me. I never thought I’d like living here, but I think I might.

Finn wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. His hand spreads out on my stomach, and I close my eyes and breathe in his woody, spicy scent. I love it.

I lean into him, resting the side of my head on his.

“I know that I forced you into this…”

“Wait, no, I––”

“Let me get this out, please.”

“Okay.” He tightens his grip as I wrap my arms around his.

“I know that I forced this on you. The minute I found out you were pregnant, I knew that I was going to marry you. But I want you to know that I’ve known since you were eighteen that I was going to claim you. I’d seen you just after your birthday, and you took my breath away. You continue to take my breath away every time I see you.

“You falling pregnant may have been a mistake, but I can’t explain how beyond happy I am.”

He lets go of me and turns me to face him. He grabs both sides of my face and plants a kiss on my lips, then steps back and gets down on one knee, holding out a beautiful, white gold, pear-shaped diamond ring in a halo setting, with diamonds on the shoulder.


“You may not realise this, but I love you, Cara. I love everything about you. Your beauty, your compassion, your spirit. You have a fire inside of you that’s just waiting to break free, and I wanna be there when it does. I want to be the one that helps it break free.

“We may have started out a little unconventional, but I promise that I will love you and our baby until my dying breath. I knew the moment I saw you that you were the other half of my soul, and I knew I’d never be able to live unless you were by my side.