Page 45 of Finn

I love it when he’s concentrating solely on what he’s doing, and it means I get to watch him for a little bit without him realising until he looks up.

My eyes begin to get heavy, and as much as I try to fight it, I can’t, and the last thing I see before sleep takes me is Finn smiling at me.

I walk through the front door. Dropping my keys on the side table, I notice a strange smell. “Finn, are you home?” I yell as I head towards the kitchen. The house is silent. Maybe he went into the club after all? As I step over the threshold of the kitchen, I realise something feels off. I can’t explain it, I just know something doesn’t feel right. I grab a glass of water before making my way to the stairs. I want to get out of this dress and into some leggings and a tank.

Finn’s office door is ajar when I pass. It’s not like him to not close it properly.

Gripping the handle, I push the door open instead of closing it, and the sight the before me brings me to my knees. Silent tears fall down my face as I struggle to breathe.

The room has been trashed, furniture overturned and smashed, but what breaks me is the sight of Killian and Connor in the middle of the floor, bullet holes in the centre of their heads. Ronan is slumped against the bookcase, multiple stab wounds covering his entire torso, and Finn, my beautiful, amazing husband is slumped over his desk, his eyes wide open with a slash across his throat.

I turn my head to vomit when a shadow appears next to me, and before I have a chance to do anything, a hand grabs my upper arm and pulls me to my feet. Spinning me to face them, I cry as Carrera runs his hands down my cheek.

“Mira lo que pasa cuando huyes de mi puta.” ‘See what happens when you run from me, whore,’ he spits in my face.

I try and pull away from him, but he pulls me in closer, slamming his lips onto mine, holding me in place. I retch, partly from the smell and the knowing what is behind me and partly from the feel of his touch, of his lips on mine.

He grabs my throat as one of his men comes in behind him saying something I don’t understand. Carrera squeezes, cutting off my airway, and I scratch at his hand, trying to remove it. I’m going to die. My baby is going to die.

I’m so out of breath that my tears have even stopped. The men laugh, then Carrera sneers at me, throwing me against the wall, and I fall in a heap next to Ronan.

I turn just in time to see Carrera’s foot come straight for my stomach. I scream with the force of the kick. “Please,” I beg, and he laughs, kicking me again.

I curl into a ball, trying to protect my baby, but it’s no use. I watch him leave the room as I lay there on the floor and sob…

“Cara, baby, please wake up…” Finn’s voice pulls me from my nightmare. I notice I’m crying as I open my eyes, and I see Finn sitting on the floor in front of me, concern etched across his face.

“It’s okay, baby, I’ve got you. You’re safe.” I throw myself at him when I finally realise that I am safe and it was only a nightmare.

“Oh God, Finn.” I sob into his neck.

He wraps me into his tight embrace, rubbing my back, trying to soothe me. “Baby, breathe, you’re okay.”

I shake my head. “You were all dead. You, Killian, Connor and Ronan… I came home to find you all dead and Carrera in the house. He tried to kill the baby.”

“It was just a dream, princess, we’re all okay.”

“It felt so real. I’m so afraid, Finn. What if he does hurt you? What if he hurts you all? It would be my fault.”

“Hey, stop.” He gets up from the floor and picks me up. Taking up my position on the sofa, he pulls me into his lap, tucking me into him.

“Princess, I need you to hear me when I tell you this… No matter what happens, itisn’ton you. What he chooses to do isnotyour fault. So you can get that fucking thought out of your head right now.”


“No buts. I will protect you. I’d tear this fucking world apart for you. You mean everything to me. You and this baby are all I’ve ever wanted, and I won’t let anyone jeopardise that. Not ever.”

“I love you, Finn. Thank you.”

“You don’t have to thank me, princess, you’re my wife. Now, close those pretty eyes and get some decent sleep. I won’t let you go.”

I feel him shuffle on the sofa, getting comfortable with me in his arms. He strokes my hair, lulling me back to sleep, and safe in his arms, I manage a solid few hours’ of dreamless sleep.

* * *

After I’d slept and eaten, Finn sat next to me, doing his best to work with his laptop perched on the seat next to him with my feet in his lap, refusing to let me put them down.

I chew on my lip, fidgeting every few minutes as I stress about what I want to talk to him about. I’ve been thinking about it since I woke the second time around, but I just don’t know how to start the conversation.