I look at him and then over at Ronan, who says nothing––he just silently watches, waiting for a response.
I let out a heavy sigh then take another sip of my drink. “Her Da’s back.”
Ronan raises one eyebrow then cracks his neck. Connor’s a little more vocal about it. “You’re fucking kidding me, right? What does that waste of fucking space want?”
“I have no idea. He claims he misses her and wants to spend time with her. She, of course, wants to believe him, and I get it, I do, he’s her Da and she loves him, but I don’t trust him. I can’t shake the feeling that he’s up to something.” I down my glass then slam it on my desk. Connor holds out the bottle as I grab it from him and fill my glass back up.
“He’s never given anyone a reason to trust him. Look, I get that you want to protect her, but she’s a grown arse woman who will push back the harder you push her. You and I both know if you cut her some slack, she’s more likely to be open with you. Pushing her will only result in her doing things behind your back.”
I nod, knowing he’s right, I don’t need to say anything. I’m letting my emotions rule my head right now, but with Bella’s Da drama and the shit we found out about Finn, I feel like I’m failing.
“Listen, we need to talk about Finn. I know he told us about Da and what he had to deal with growing up, but I feel like we’re missing something. I feel like he hasn’t told us everything.”
“Wait…” Connor stands, pacing the room. “You feel like there’re more than Da treating him like he wasn’t one of us?”
“Yeah, I do. Do you remember when we all used to take the piss out of him for being a mammy’s boy?” They both nod in response.
“Well, it was always Da or Darragh that started it and we followed along, thinking it was funny and that he didn’t mind. But the more I think about it, the more I realise that he never laughed along with us. He’d give us this small little smile and we’d think he was cool with it, but he wasn’t, and he never felt comfortable enough to tell us. We failed him, boys. Our baby brother grew up thinking that we wouldn’t love him if Da told us what he thought. He grew up fearing he would lose us.”
Ronan clears his throat. “You’re right, we should have seen it, but we can’t let the guilt eat away at us. We all know that it doesn’t end well. All we can do now is let him know that we’re here for him, and when he’s ready to talk, we’ll listen.”
“Let’s plan a poker night when he gets back. The girls can stay in the penthouse where they’ll be secure, and we can do it at your place, Kill.”
“Okay, sounds like a plan.”
“Excellent. Now, how about we go out there and spend some time with our women? I hate when I’m away from Lex for too long, and you have some making up to do.” Connor points at me and tilts his head in the direction of the door.
I watch him and Ronan head out to the VIP area to be with their women. I take a deep breath and eye the space where Rory used to sit, the space we’ve boxed Finn into, and I find myself wondering if I’ve pushed him into doing the security side of things. I make a metal note to talk to him when he’s back. I need to find out if this is something he really wants to do, or if there is something else. I vow to do right by him.
I’ve already lost one brother. I refuse to lose another.
Chapter 27
Every morning and every night for the last three days, I’ve watched her sleep. I watch her chest rise and fall with every breath she takes, the way her lips part slightly when she falls into a deeper sleep, and the way her eyelids flutter when she’s dreaming.
This woman is perfection. I can’t believe how lucky I am to have finally claimed her. I knew I would have her, I just didn’t think she would actually fall for me.
The moment she told me she loved me, my fucking heart almost stopped with the excitement.
I brought her to the Maldives for a week. I’d wanted to give her a honeymoon, but I also wanted to give her some time to relax. The last couple of weeks have been stressful for me, getting her here and then the drama with her Da. I can’t imagine how stressed she’s felt, knowing that her Da was trying to sell her off, and the person she was being sold to is a dangerous fucker, although, I’m certain she doesn’t know how dangerous.
When I found out about José, I’d done some digging too, just the basic stuff, but I found out he’d threatened her and her family and I’d dug a little deeper.
The shit that I found out was sickening. Of course, everything I found out at this stage is a rumour, and there’s no way to prove any of it
Wanting to rid myself of those thoughts, I slide the blanket covering her down her body, just enough to expose her breasts.
They are perfectly round globes, just big enough to fit into the palm of my hand. I have noticed that they are a little bigger than they were when she first arrived a couple of weeks ago.
I run my finger from the side of her right one and across the top, grazing the nipple, and it puckers immediately. She’s super sensitive, and I’ve read that being pregnant increases the sensitivity. Not stopping, my finger continues its path to the left one. I circle the nipple, watching it grow. She lets out a soft moan and I quickly look at her face to check she’s still sleeping, not ceasing my movements. I smile when I see she’s still out of it, and leaning down, I run my tongue across the top of her nipple and then circle it. I feel her body squirm slightly as I wrap my lips around it and suck, pulling the taught bud into my mouth, letting my teeth graze it.
I stop the moment I feel her body squirming even more. I’m not ready for her to wake up. I’ve learnt that my queen likes to be woken with my mouth around her clit and my fingers in her pussy.
I push the blanket down, further exposing her stomach. I place my hand, spreading it just below her belly button. She’s only three months pregnant, and you can’t really tell, but I can’t wait until she’s showing and every fucker knows that she’s carrying my baby.
I push the blanket all the way down her legs and move my body down. My eyes roam over the light gathering of hair and I place my arm between her legs, opening her up to me. I use my thumb and finger to open her lips, giving me an unobstructed view of her beautiful pink pussy. I smile as I run my fingers up and down her slit, feeling her arousal. Biting my lip, I groan. “Dammit.” I really want to wake her up and have her screaming my name the moment she opens her eyes, but I kept her up later last night, fucking her, and she needs her rest.
I grab the sheet and pull it back up over her. I place gentle kisses on her forehead, nose and lips, before climbing out of bed and going for a run.