grimreapher: nah. that nigga is laid up with *me*.
norestforthewicked: well wake him up. unauthorized eyes on my client under the shroud.
grimreapher: not possible. no cameras in the rooms.
norestforthewicked: C33.]
A few minutes passed without a response, and I could imagine Willow – who’d appropriately dubbed herself the “Grim ReapHer” in the hacking world – cursing to herself as she realized I was right.
[grimreapher: nigga. is this monica stuart?
norestforthewicked: focus.
grimreapher: which means yes, it is. how the fuck is she this fine while she’s a weepy drunk? impressive. goddamn she’s fine.
norestforthewicked: agreed. but, focus please.
grimreapher: fine. i’ll suppress the signal for now, and then get someone in there to get the actual camera while she’s not in her room. who did she piss off? veil is impossible to break into – somebody wanted eyes on her *bad* to pull this off.
norestforthewicked: yeah. that’s what concerns me. thanks will.
grimreapher: anything for the man that caught me but didn’t keep me. ?? you hitting that?
norestforthewicked: goodbye.
grimreapher: which means yes, you are. good for you. i’ll have the camera delivered to the store so you can check it out, but keep me in the loop. the twins will want blood over this.
norestforthewicked: I would expect nothing less.]
[/secure chat closed]
Just as she said, I watched the feed from inside Monica’s hotel room go black, and pushed out a sigh of relief. My agitation with getting arrested and shit aside, the fact that she was being consistently violated in one way or another was pissing me off.
Fuck it.
I wasn’t waiting anymore.
It was probably going to take me the rest of the night to complete, but I cared very, very little about that as I started the process of sanitizing everything. I inlaid new security protocols as I went, so there was no chance of her network getting infected again. When I finished everything, I would put together a report she could use to at least repair the damage done to her business while we found the culprit.
Between me, the Drake family, and the police… whoever did this had a problem on their hands.
I couldn’twaitto figure this out.