My eyebrow went up. “Drunk?”
“Yeah,” he laughed. “She’s not sloppy, or slurring, but… I can tell by the way David is trying to keep her corralled. He’s letting her have her fun, but making sure she’s taken care of.”
“That’s nice,” I said, and there must’ve been something in my tone, because Isaiah gave me a look.
“You know you could do that too, if you wanted? If you want to have a drink—or too many—while you’re here… I will not let anything happen to you. Ever again.”
That was my cue to go.
“I appreciate the offer, but um… I actually think I’m going to head back to my room,” I said, getting up again, and gathering my things.
“Am I supposed to come with you?”
I frowned. “Why would you come with me?”
“Aren’t I supposed to be doing something to you for you to write a bestseller about?”
My eyes went wide, but I said nothing. I just finished gathering my stuff so I could go before I turnedtoored from embarrassment.
I hadn’t, andwouldn’tstart thinking about him like that, in that context.
I wouldn’t even let myself form the thought.