There wasa whole lot offinein the Heights.

Like… a lot of it.

Maybe a little too much.

As I sat in the park, off to myself, observing, my gaze had landed on Tristan and a bunch of other guys, all in varying degrees of shirtlessness, talking a bunch of trash to each other as they played basketball.

It was a sight to fucking behold.


Jules and Anika parked themselves on either side of the bench where I’d been seated alone – prime viewing area for the basketball court, and downwind of the delicious smells from the food.

“Huh?” I asked Anika, and she smirked.

“You’re looking at them like you wouldn’t mind hopping up to get sweaty too, and I must say… it has crossed my mind as well.”

“Oh,” I laughed, shaking my head. “They are over there looking like good reasons for bad decisions, aren’t they?”

“I think we made good decisions,” Jules countered, biting down on her lip as Troy fouled theshitout of one of the guys I didn’t know. “I need Troy to bring some of that aggression back home later. Take it straight to the hole.”

Anika giggled. “Yes, Royal, penetratemeright up the middle, and go for the money shot.”

They both looked at me, waiting for me to round out the whole basketball innuendo thing they had going on, but…

“Sorry,” I shrugged. “There’s a “facial” joke somewhere I can’t quite pull it together.”

“It’s okay,” Jules laughed. “We won’t disown you this time.”

“I don’t have time to keep it going anyway,” Anika said as she stood. “Popped through to give birthday wishes to Kiara, but I’ve gotta get my butt to the coffeehouse for a shift.”

“And I’ve got pictures to take – official event photographer and all,” Jules added, gesturing to her camera before she pointed it to where Kiara was standing with her friends, giggling.Theyhad their attention on the other court, where a group of teenage boys were occupying the space.


That was the kind of thing young girlsshouldbe doing at thirteen – giggling about cute boys their age. Not… training. I understood that my experience was abnormal, but still.Seeingthese girls get to be children did my heart a lot of good.

“See ya later Tee!”

I waved to Jules and Anika as they headed off, giving my attention back to my surroundings once they were gone.


Just like I’d spent my first few months in theHeights, only this time I wasn’t tucked away behind my window.

And I didn’t feel like I needed to be, either.

“You eat anything for breakfast?”

Von was standing in front of me, tall and regal as ever. Her tone wasn’t the friendliest, but it wasn’t unkind either, so I decided to entertain her question with a nod.

“Good,” she said, taking the seat beside me. “That means you can drink with me.”

Before I could object, she’d pushed a cold, half-frosted beer bottle into my hands, and had already lifted an identical one to her lips as I examined the label.

Auntie’s House.

“It’s not spiked with anything, if that’s what you’re worried about,” she said, mistaking my curiosity for apprehension.