“Ay braces,why you going so fast! Slow up! Where you going?”

“Let me walk you home lil mama! I can walk you all the way to your room. We can play doctor, whatever!”

“I said leave me alone!”

I’d had every intention of ignoring the loud ass street harassment happening in front of the shop next to mine - not the boutique, but on the other side. There was nothing there, and people often took to using it as a hangout spot no one would complain about.

I wasn’t about to listen to what sounded like a young woman getting hassled though.

I stepped out of the candle shop door as the whole group turned a corner - withKiaraof all people leading the crowd.

Or rather, being stalked.

Her face was pulled into a scowl, earbuds pushed deep in her ears - both defense mechanisms. Anger to mask the fear the young men following her were causing, earbuds to drown them out as they surrounded her, impeding her from getting home.

At the sight of me, more than one let out a wolf-whistle, but I wasn’t with that shit.

“Y’all heard her say to leave her alone, right?” I snapped, stepping between her and the four older boys - one of whom wasn’t a boy at all, but a grown ass man - and a familiar one, at that.

The same motherfucker from my first night out in the Heights.

“This don’t concern you, bitch,” he spat in my direction, pulling a smile to my lips.

“Kiara… go inside,” I told her, gesturing inside the shop.

She didn’t hesitate, just slipped past me into the safety of the shop.

Smart girl.

“Do y’all know how old she is?” I asked, mostly addressing the one who waswaytoo old to be bothering Kiara, even though they all were, really.

“That ass looks full-grown to me,” he sneered.

“Youstay the fuck away from her,” I lobbed right back at him, stepping fully into his face, not giving a shit about a size or height difference. “She’s thirteen years old. I will kill you myself.”

“You won’t do sh--AYY, what the fuck!” He shrieked, backing up as I brandished a blade in his face. “Yo, what’s your problem?”

“You, and niggaslike youare my problem,” I explained, looking at the others too. “Maybe if you’re worried about getting your dick filleted, you’ll learn how to leave people alone.”

“You ain’t gone do nothing with that,” the ringleader claimed, boldly taking a step back in my direction. I didn’t hesitate - I sliced through the front of his tee shirt, giving just enough pressure to touch his skin.

To prove a point.

The peanut gallery all started shouting, two of them taking off running at the sight of the tiny bit of blood I’d drawn.


“You really fucking cut me!”

I shrugged, frowning at the soiled blade. “I really fucking did. You may wanna find some fucking business before I take another slice.”

To emphasize my point, I fake lunged at him, and just like thebitchI knew he was, he flinched, then he and the other fool took off running too.


I turned back to the store to find Kiara staring out the window, having watched the whole exchange.

“Wow. You’re such a badass,” she gushed as I entered the shop, locking the door behind me. “You really are an assassin, aren’t you?”