I only had one real option – holding on to thatwillingfeeling from a few minutes ago, instead of letting myself continue on the emotional rollercoaster.

“Grab a box of jars, some wick holders, some spacers, and some wicks. And get to loading,” I told him, moving to the gas range to turn it on. “I’ll melt a batch of wax for us.”

A huge grin spread over Tristan’s face and he opened his arms, gesturing for me to come to him.

I rolled my eyes about it, but obviously I went, and lost my battle against returning his smile as he squeezed me into a hug.

“Let’s fuckin’go,” he chuckled as he released me, then moved to follow the directions I’d given. I had this weird, unshakeable feeling in my chest as I grabbed the notebook I’d been using to jot down steps, tips, best practices, whatever… and then put it down, because I’d reviewed it so much I already knew exactly what to do, and had to stop stalling.

It was time to just make the fucking candles.

Even if I messed it up.

I… didn’t though.

At least, I was pretty confident in thinking so by the time we followed all the steps I’d created from watching and reading countless tutorials and articles. We kicked our shoes off and worked, stopped to eat, then worked some more, then got everything cleaned up. And then… I stepped back from the ten candles we’d made, lined up on the worktable counter, and… blinked back happy tears.

Definitely turning into a sap.

“I believe you now,” Tristan said, approaching me from behind to wrap his arms around me.


He leaned in, propping his chin on my shoulder. “You said you weren’t pussy. I can believe it now.”

“I should kick you out, now that I’ve proven my non-pussiness,” I told him, turning my head in his direction.

“You’re too interested to kick me out,” he shot back, moving in to nuzzle against my neck, and make me laugh. After a moment, he stopped being silly to press a kiss to my shoulder. “Seriously … I’m proud of you.”

“Me too.”

I… really had actuallydonesomething.

Of course, it would take a few days – or more – to know if I’dreallydone it right or not, but in the meantime, I was calling this a victory.


I closed my eyes as Tristan kissed my shoulder again, taking full advantage of the skin displayed by the thin straps of the casual dress I’d thrown on. Soon, his mouth started a slow ascent, kissing from my shoulder to the curve of my neck, up my nape, and back around to my ear as he kept his arm anchored around me.

“What do you think we should do to celebrate your milestone?” Tristan asked, as his free hand crept up my thigh, under the hem of my dress.

“I… I don’t… I don’t know,” I whispered, much too focused on his fingers tracing my clit through my panties to give a real answer.

“I think youdo,” he murmured in my ear, gently pushing my panties aside and finally,finallygiving me the skin to skin contact I needed. Just a skim at first, and then a firmer swipe over my pussy, and then he sank his middle and pointer finger into me, pressing his thumb against my clit in a way that made my knees give a little. “Don’t you?”


I opened my mouth to respond, but couldn’t seem to form actual words.

Not when it was imperative, as far as I was concerned, to not miss a single moment of the deep strokes of his fingers, his teeth and tongue and lips against my neck, his other hand moving up to caress my breast.

I’d never been happier to not be wearing a bra.

Especially once he tugged the top of the dress down to gain full access to my bare skin, to pinch and tug and tease my nipples in a way that made me evenmoresensitive between my legs.

It took me no time at all to combust.

“I really,reallylike watching you cum,” he told me, not giving me a chance to even catch my breath before he’d turned me around to back me against the workroom table.