I raised an eyebrow at him. “Excuse me?”

“You can’t claim to not have anybody anymore, becausenow… you’ve gotme. And I’m worth at least ten motherfuckers,” he said, barely keeping a straight face for that last part, which made it impossible for me not to laugh too.

“Ay, I’m serious,” he said, after a few seconds had passed. “I know we’re still kinda feeling each other out, but if you need anything… you’ve got my number. And if youwantanything… my number works for that, too.”

He was looking me right in the face when he said that, holding my gaze so there was no downplaying the significance of his words. It was a little overwhelming – so much that I broke into a smile, because I didn’t know what else to do, and was about to crack a joke about sex to break the tension when someone else called out.


He and I both turned in the direction of the voice, to see a woman practically running up the street toward us. When I looked at Tristan, he was smiling, which… annoyed me.

“Nya!” he greeted her with a laugh. “How you doing baby?”


Once she was actually close to us, they hugged – too tight, and too long.

I didn’t like it.

And Ihatedit when, afterward, she kept her arm draped around his waist, and a hand at his chest, like they were taking fucking engagement pictures or something.

Should I kill her?

“Who is this?” she asked, her silky, sandy-brown hair bouncing around her shoulders to frame her face in perfect layers as her head whipped in my direction. Her tone was light, but she didn’t even bother hiding the disdain in her hazel eyes, since Tristan couldn’t see her face.

Yeah. I should.

“This is Tempest,” Tristan spoke, easing from her hold to step to my side, placing a possessive hand at the small of my back. “We were out for a walk.”

“Like a date? This early?” she laughed. “You must be getting this one out of the way for when we get together later.”

Definitely gonna kill this bitch.

“You wild, Nya,” he said, shifting that hand to wrap his arm around my shoulders instead, like he could hear my thoughts and was trying to keep me still. “We’re walking over to the park, to see the sun rise over the lake.”

“Awww.How romantic,” she gushed.


“I thought so too. I thought you might like it,” he said, to me, and I forced a smile as I looked up at him.

Not because he was wrong.

Because it was taking a lot for me to not leave my murderous desires on my face.

“You thought right,” I told him, and was rewarded for my cooperation with a soft press of his lips.

“All this sweetness is going to make me throw up,” Nya laughed.

Again – fake.

“I can’t believe you’re giving all this bae behavior to someone else, Tris – you were supposed to wait for me,” she pouted, blinking at him with her freakishly long lash extensions.

“You snooze, you lose,” was his only response to that. “We’ve gotta get on if we don’t want to miss this timing,” he said, already starting to move again, and pulling me along with him.

“Okay lovebirds,” she trilled. “I’ve gotta get to the salon anyway. I’ll seeyoulater.”

That inflection she put onyouhad me ready to show Tristan that his arm around me wasn’t holding a single thing back – I didn’t want to show my ass about something so small.