He kissed you though.


He did.

And what a kiss it had been.

Essentially myfirst, at least on a personal level.

Problem was, I hadn’t seen or heard from him in the several days passed since then.

Had I left my house and been in public?


Did he have my number?

Also no.

Had I answered the bell at the candle shop for anyone?

Still no.


If he was really interested, he wouldn’t let silly things like that stop him, so Ihadto assume this was all something for me to take as a lesson and move on.

All the shit I’d ordered for the shop was due to arrive today.

In fact, only a few moments after the thought crossed my mind, I watched a delivery truck pull up, causing a spark of excitement to bloom in my chest.

Which made me even happier.

Excitement was good.

I rushed downstairs, making it to the door before the delivery person had even touched the bell. Hurriedly, I signed the little electronic clipboard to confirm it was me, then stepped aside so my packages could be brought inside.

As soon as they were gone, I dived right in.

I took my time with the unpacking, making sure to put everything in the spots I’d already planned out back in the workroom. Never mind that Ireallydidn’t quite know what I was doing – I was looking forward to the prospect of figuring it all out.

“Wow. You’re getting a whole business set up back here, huh?”

The box of wooden wicks I was holding dropped from my hands, my head whipping around for the source of those words.


“How did you get in here?” I asked, swallowing hard.

Damnhe looked good this morning, in navy sweats and a matching tee, freshly retwisted locs, neatly groomed beard.

“The door was open…” he said, gesturing behind him. “I figured you were letting some fresh air in or something.”

“So you took that as an invitation?” I brushed past him to get to the front door, where it was indeedwide openfrom where I’d propped it for the boxes to be brought in.

“Yes, actually.” When I turned from closing the door, he wasrightbehind me, smelling like fresh laundry and cedar, and… pissing me off. “You haven’t exactly been accessible, so I took the opportunity that presented itself.”

I took a step back, trying to breathe in something that wasn’thim. “So this is my fault?”