My eyebrows shot up. “Yeah.”

“She swears she’s not a psychic, but man… she knows stuff. It wasn’t anything bad, was it?”

I blinked. “No. No, not at all.”

“Okay then… come to the bar with me. Let’s drink to whatever she told you.”

You’re going to be okay.


I… guess thatwassomething to drink to.

So we did.

Multiple times.

I didn’t take it far enough to get drunk, but I wascertainlyfeeling much more mellow than when I arrived by the time Tristan decided we needed more privacy than the large booth with the group allowed.

Even with the liquor in my system, I was grateful for the much quieter corner he found.

And… I was actually having a good time.

After Eddie and Astrid, there was a comedian who’d come on, a singer after that, and then a whole band. Every act wasreallytalented.

At some point, I realized Tristan had completely abandoned any pretense of watching the stage to watch me instead. I ignored it at first, but after the next performer left the stage, I turned to him, arms crossed.

“Whatever you’re about to say, know that your annoyance makes you even finer,” he said, before I could even open my mouth. And just that quickly, I was laughing instead of scolding him. “Damn, I was wrong,” he grinned, biting his lip. “The smile…”

I shook my head, forcing my face into a neutral expression. “Mmmhmm. Here I was thinking you’d sobered up some, but you are definitely still… lifted.”

“You don’t think you have a pretty smile?”

“IknowI do. I also know I’mmuchfiner when I’m mad.”

Tristan chuckled, leaning toward me so our shoulders were touching. “Okay. Maybe the smile hits me in a different place then, how about that?”

“I wouldn’t know,” I told him, then glanced at the time on his watch face. “Shouldn’t you be tucking in your kid or something, instead of out… caking?”

His eyebrows went up. “Caking?”

“Yes,caking,” I repeated. “Or what, do people not call it that anymore?”

“I wouldn’t know,” he shrugged. “And my kid is with her mom tonight, so she’s good.”

“Is that why you were stressed out enough earlier to need to…” I made a smoking gesture with my fingers, and he laughed.

“Nah, nothing to do with that. The drama stays at a minimum.”

“With the kid, or the mother?”

“Both,” he chuckled. “Kiara and Von, they’re laid back.”

I nodded. “Nice. A whole little laid-back family.”

“Ah,hell,” he groaned. “Here you go…”

“Here I go? What am I doing?”