The walkto Tristan’s place was quiet.

And short.

It turned out, he only lived about a block and a half away from me, but I’d never been before.

If the progress of our relationship hadn’t been so abruptly interrupted by the whole thing with Nya…things would probably be different.

But here I was now, taking in the predictable blacks, grays, wood tones of his space.

“Hey,” he said, coming up behind me after he’d put my bag - which he’d insisted on carrying - and his own stuff down. “Seriously… Are you okay?”

“Of course. Whoever it was, they ran. They didn’t touch me,” I explained, stepping back to give us some distance.


“I’m not talking about just physically,” he countered, pushing his hands into his pockets. “I mean…waking up to somebody busting in your shit… That’s not scary to you?”

I blinked.

Had I beenscared?

Or was it more…resolute?

I had a survival instinct, sure, but fear?

Well, it wasn’t really in my makeup to fear a moment I’d been expecting would come.

There had to only be so long that I could live this “new” life without paying anything for it. There, eventually, had to be some sort of reckoning.

Maybe this was it.

“I wasn’t scared,” I answered him, once I’d thought through it. “I was armed.”

Tristan’s eyes went wide. “Armed? Like with a weapon?”

“What else would I be referring to, Tristan? My sparkling wit?”

“Keep the attitude, I’m just concerned about you.”

“Don’t be - I can protect myself.”

“It’s not about what youcando, I’m talking to you, damn.”

I blew out a sigh, shaking my head. Maybe Iwasbeing a little testy, but I was also fresh off having what should have been my sanctuary violated.

Yeah, I was a little tense.

“What am I doing here?” I asked out loud, even though I wasn’t really asking him, and the question wasn’t even about him.

Not completely.

“Because it makes me feel better,” Tristan answered earnestly, not understanding that I meant…here.

In this neighborhood, in this country, in… this life.

“Somebody broke into your place, you said theywaited for you? Yeah, I feel better with you here, not there. Is something wrong with that?”

“Why do you care?”