“Short hair?” Tati said and Alicia nodded.

“Last time I saw her, before she gave my people the slip… yeah.”

“We saw her atClub Allure,” Keira said and Tati nodded.

“Yeah. I didn’t know who I was looking at, but I just felt like… I don’t know. Like she could’ve killed me on the spot without breaking a sweat.”

“And you didn’t say anything to anybody?” Blue questioned.

Tati sucked her teeth. “Well, considering I’d just been verbally accosted by Kevin’s baby mother and accused of lying about my assault, it was sort of a negligible fact. And besides, I told Alicia I’d seen aRose; I just didn’t knowwho.”

“I think that call got interrupted or something, didn’t it? ’Cause if you’d described her, I would’ve known it was Margeaux,” Alicia said and Tati agreed.

“Yeah, I didn’t hear that name until weeks later, so—”

“What are we getting at here?” I interrupted Tati, earning a glare. “Sorry, but… I’ve got some other shit to tend to.” Like kicking my “brother’s” ass. “So if we’re drawing a conclusion… what is it?”

“That we may wanna start with youputting yourself in the openatClub Allure,” she said, dryly. “Meeting adjourned, I guess?”

That worked for me.

Tati rolled her eyes at my exit, but I could, hopefully, smooth things over with her later. Right now, I had a point to make with Blue, who came ambling out of the conference room we’d been in wearing a smug grin.

“I thought you’d ran off so you didn’t have to back up the shit you were talking,” he said as I approached him, ready for whatever.


It wasn’t a sucker punch, but I was caught a little off guard by his fist hitting my jaw. I thought there would be a bit more conversation first.

I took a step back, rubbing the area where he’d hit me. “That felt good?” I asked. “You feel better now?”

“A little.” He chuckled.

I grinned back. “Hold on to that.”

Brief confusion flashed across his face, but aftermytwo blows, he quickly understood. He staggered back, but then he was right there with me, hanging in there pretty well.

I was only giving half effort though.

Blue was nobody’s punk—and I never thought any different.

But thefactwas that if I wanted to really hurt him, or worse, it was a foregone conclusion.

Ididn’twant that though.

I just didn’t want the fucked-up hostile energy because the shit was exhausting. So if we needed to fight it out—hell, if I needed to let him “win” so he could let the bullshit go—I was good with that.

I quickly discovered I was on my own with that though.

Our sparring was cut short by an electric current to the back, enough voltage for me to blink and find myself on the floor.

It was equal-opportunity disabling, though. Blue was beside me on the ground, groaning, and Alicia and Tati were standing over us.

Tati glared at us as she handed a taser back to Alicia. “I thought I told you motherfuckers to find a ring?”


I lied about not being afraid to meet up with Margeaux.