I refused to think too hard about the fact that the biometric lock between the buildings worked for me.

“Trying to avoid this turning into something it’s not,” I answered. “All my relationships are already all muddled enough.”

“Oh.” Tati nodded, but then didn’t say anything else, giving me room to realize how offensively my words could be taken when she was standing right here in my face.

But what the hell was I supposed to say?

It was the truth.

I’d messed up in all of this by letting the relationships get muddled.

It would have been much easier to see all this shit through if I kept it separate—if once I knew Jesse Garrett was dead, I’d just moved on.

Or at least had done my investigation on my own.

Honestly, what the hell was I thinking?

“How are you feeling?” Tati asked, moving closer to me, getting right in my face.

Her tone was soft, her eyes were soft, her hands were soft as they came up to my face.

This was the problem.

Thiswas why I’d blurred the lines.

“Damn, all it takes is two kidnappings for you to think you got to check in on a nigga? I feel like I should at least get a good three or four before you start doubting me,” I said, slipping away from her touch.

Trying to, at least.

She moved right along with me, fisting handfuls of my shirt as she grinned in my face.

“It has nothing to do with doubting you.”

“What then?”

She raised an eyebrow at me. “Is it really that foreign of a concept that maybe I just care about you?”

I slipped my fingers under hers, gently breaking her grip on my shirt as I took a step back. “A foreign concept? No. A good idea…” I shook my head. “Probably not that either.”

For a moment, she just looked at me, then her eyes narrowed.

“Don’t do this shit,” she said, a sudden flash of anger spreading over her face before she stepped toward me. “Don’t youdaredo this right now, okay?” she snapped. “I get it, you’re supposed to be the cool, sexy loner, you don’t need anybody or what-the-fuck-ever. But you came here, and you have turned my life upside down.Ourlives upside down. You don’t get to run away from this,” she insisted, jabbing me in the chest with her finger. “Fromme. And why the fuck would you want to?”

“I don’t.”



“See?” She grinned. “Very simple.”

“I really wish that was actually the case, but you know it isn’t.” I shook my head. “You know there’s more to it than that.”

“Like what?”

“Like the fact that being connected to me could be dangerous for you.”

“So… you’re calling me pussy?” she asked and I chuckled, shaking my head.