
“Hey, are you okay?”

Keira’s question pierced through the wall of my thoughts, pulling my attention to where she was seated beside me in the car. I’d completely zoned out, doing exactly what I’d been avoiding, letting my imagination run wild.

I was glad she’d pulled me out.

“Yeah.” I nodded, but the skepticism on Keira’s face before she put her eyes back on the road told me she wasn’t convinced.

“Why would you lie to my face like that?” she asked, shaking her head. “I’d be less worried if you said no.”

“Whyshouldn’tI be okay?”

She sucked her teeth. “Well, because someone you care about could be in danger.”

“I barely know him.”

“Don’t start with that stupid shit,” she huffed. “I hate when people do that.But mama, I love him,” she said, in a much higher pitch before she countered with a “mama” voice. “Girl you don’t even know him!And what’s your point?!” she asked, back to her normal tone. “As if that’s going to flip a switch on your feelings. Oh, I don’t know him that well? Damn, let me turn these feelings off then.”

Eyes wide, I peered at Keira. “You seem… on edge today,” I said. “Did Gavin—”

“I donotwant to talk about his ass,” she snapped. “Stop trying to change the subject. You like Onyx. He’s missing. It’s very normal for you to be worried about him.”

“Normaldoesn’t meansmart,” I countered and she cut her eyes at me, frowning.

“Does it matter right now?” she asked. “You can be Queen Bitch Unaffectedafterwe know what’s going on. Okay?”

I pushed out a sigh before I nodded, unconvinced that my best course of action wasn’t to sit back and watch, waiting to see what unfolded.

A less enamored woman could, probably.

But that wasn’t me.

Contrary to what I’d told Brandon, Ididhave a gut feeling about this whole thing. I just kept trying to ignore it because my certainty that Onyx was chained up somewhere in the dark helped exactly no one.

Not himorme.

Not when I had no hints toward who the culprit could be.

I’d already mentally debunked the possibility of it being Alicia or her people. If it was, she wouldn’t be playing this game of faux innocence, participating in any searches, she would be radio silent.

It could be Rojas and his crew, but based on my experience with theRenegados, they would not have been able to pull off something like this quietly.

It would be a bloodbath.

That brought me around to two other options, both of which were largely still a mystery to me.

Renard and the rogueGarden.


For some reason, that second seemed a lot more alarming—and likely—to me.

Why? Because he was fucking her?

I closed my eyes, shaking away the thought, even though it had unfortunate merit. I wasn’t so prideful that I couldn’t admit tomyselfat least, that knowing this woman who had the gift of history with Onyx was lurking in the shadows for unknown reasons had me feeling a little...