“I asked Blue… he said you’ve never had to shoot anybody before,” he murmured. “Said you were always the better shot at the range though.”

I swallowed. “My father always said there might be a day where I only got one shot. So I had to make it count.”

“And you did.”

“I did.” I nodded. “And… I’d do it again, in that situation, but… it’s just weird. I feelweird. It’s making everything else seem so… big. Bigger than it would be.”

“You killed somebody. To protect yourself, and your people, but… still. It would be weird if youdidn’tfeel weird about it.”

I closed my eyes, just breathing for a second before I looked him in the face. “I kinda feel like I’m being a punk. So… I’m just… being a bitch instead.”

“Yeah, you are,” he agreed, and I swatted him across the chest as he laughed. “Your words, not mine.”

“You weren’t supposed to agree so enthusiastically though,” I fussed.

“It’s a testament to your self-awareness.”

“Whatever, nigga,” I said, turning away from him.

He took the opportunity to wash my back, which tookmeback to the first time we’d been intimate. This was intimate too, but completely different.

It felt good—freeing—to admit what I hadn’t even wanted to accept in my own mind.

Shooting somebody in the head wasn’t…fun.

In the moment, and immediately after, I’d been too high on adrenaline to fully process. Then there was the meeting, and the plans, and all of it was just overwhelming.

I probablyshouldn’thave started drinking.

But at least it made the truth come out.

And… I actually felt quite a bit better now.

I returned the favor of Onyx washing me, happily indulging in the opportunity to touch him all over. His long, thick limbs, all his ink, all his scars…

And of course… his dick.

We didn’t even make it to the bed. We got as far as the counter before he picked me up and anchored me on the cold marble before he sank as deep as he could get.

“You still mad at me?” he asked, mid-stroke.

In this position, my sight line was right at his neck.

Right on hisPredatorink.

Right on my rose necklace, which he was still wearing.

Hadbeenwearing, since the night I put it on him.
