“My mom and Randy, they told Brandon and me the whole story,” I explained. “And I could be wrong, but I didn’t get the impression they were trying to sugarcoat it. Obviously, you can still feel however you feel about it, but… at least you can come at it from a place of facts now.”

“Yeah.” He nodded, but didn’t say much else before he put his hand to the gearshift to switch back into drive.

He had to be quick on the brakes though to avoid causing an accident; we were barely back up to speed when five or six bikes came blazing past us to pull in front, blocking us in.

“Get down,” Onyx said, pulling his gun from his lap where he’d had it. “This might be a bit bumpy.”

“Wait!” I said, as one of the bikers pulled his helmet off.


Manuel’s nephew.

“The least you could do is talk to me,” he yelled, climbing off his bike, and I looked to Onyx.

“You want me to get shot again, huh?” he asked and I shook my head.

“No I don’t want you to get shot again,” I denied. “The windows are bulletproof, first of all. And second, I just don’t want to cause more of an issue than there already is.”

“Maite was fucking the woman who killed the head of their family and I guarantee you they feel likesheis responsible. Andyoujust killed their next in line.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “It would have been Trin, but now it’shim,” I said, gesturing at Ivan. “We need to know howhefeels about that before we rush into a move. He might be here to thank us, and we get to avoid the war.”

Onyx huffed. “I’m telling you again, if I see anything that don’t look right, I’m eliminating anybody that looks wrong.”

“No shit,” I said. “But let’s remember who pulled the trigger in there. I was about this life before you got here,” I reminded him. “And I’ll be about it until it’s done.”

I pressed the button to let my window slide down, so that I could yell out to Ivan. “What exactly do you think we need to talk about?”

He grinned, but I didn’t get the impression he was particularly amused. “The recent changes to theRenegados… let’s call it ourcorporate structure,” he said, ambling towards our vehicle.

I glanced at Onyx, noting that he had his foot on the brake, but hadn’t actually put the vehicle in park.

“You should know we’re prepared to make speed bumps out of all of you. And the car is armored, so unless you got a missile launcher out there with you, good luck stopping us,” I told Ivan.

“I’ve got no interest in stoppingyou.”

My eyebrow lifted at his emphasis on “you”.

“Who are you trying to stop then?” I asked.

“We have to provide an answer—and equal offering—for whoever put that knife in my uncle.”

“Her body is in the front room atInk Studio, but I think you already know that,” I said.

Ivan shrugged. “All I know is, it’s looking like your pretty lesbian friend has committed a double murder.”

“Ikilled Trin,” I answered and Onyx looked at me like I’d lost my mind, but I kept talking. “Trin killed Manuel. She’s not what y’all think she is. What y’allthoughtshe was,” I corrected myself.

“And what was she?” Ivan asked.

“One of Renard Belrose’s people.”

I saw no reason to hide the truth.

Not at this point, when we were undeniably surrounded, and probably on the verge of the outright war we’d been trying to strategically avoid this whole time.

Ivan squinted through the window, staring for a moment before he spoke. “Trinidad’s bloodline is Santiago Cartel,” he said, making both mine and Onyx’s eyes go wide.