
Alicia wantedme to have dinner with her family.

Personally, I didn’t care to spend the day surrounded by strangers fromThe Garden, but her insistence made it difficult to say no.

As did her showing up at the door to my room ten minutes before it was supposed to start to drag me back to her personal residence quarters.

“So… what I’m getting is that this was never really arequest, was it?”

She grinned, shaking her head as she grabbed me by the wrist to pull me from my room. “Nope.”

“I’m not even dressed fordinner,” I argued, glancing from my sweats to the significantly nicer outfitshewas wearing.

She waved me off. “You’re fine. The only reason I’m not in yoga pants is because I just got home. Stop trying to make excuses and come on.”

It wasn’t about making excuses though, I was just… exhausted. Physically, mentally, emotionally. It was a difficult state to want to doanythingin, least of all sit down for some stuffy dinner.

Two nights ago, I was drugged and snatched to get hooded and beat.

By anybody else’s standards, that would easily require a solid week in bed.

I guess it was supposed to be light work for aThornthough.

“What’s weighing heavy on your mind?” Alicia asked as we drew closer to the door that split off the two different areas of the compound. She was outpacing my pained, leisurely gait. As she moved ahead of me to open the biometric lock, I frowned.

“Why are you walking like that?”

She stopped, hand hovering in front of the lock but not touching it. “Like what?”

“Like… I don’t know. Like your ass hurts. Like a…duck or something.” I laughed as her eyes went wide.

“Ohno,” she gasped, hand to her mouth as she looked down at her feet like there was going to be some answer written there. “It’s already starting,” she muttered.

“What’s already starting?” I asked, even though it was clear those words weren’t actually meant for me.

Her head popped up like she was just now remembering I was there and her face went flushed, like she was embarrassed.

Which wasweird.

“Um… look. you have to keep this to yourself, okay?” she said and my brow furrowed.

“What is,ways sexual deviants start a conversation?”

“I’m trying to be serious!”

“Shit, me too!” I laughed, which only made her more frustrated.

She took a deep breath, crossing her arms and giving her best “stern” expression, but she was too flustered.

“Seriously, Nyx,” she said. “I haven’t toldanybody. I didn’t think I would start walking different already, that’s insane…”

I frowned. “Are you going to tell me what you’re trying to tell or not?” I asked. “What, you got hemorrhoids or something?”

“Oh fuck off!”

“What, that’s how you were walking!”