I looked at Blue, then back at her. “You already know his name.”

She nodded, but couldn’t bring herself to say it.

Jesse Garrett.

“What are you saying?” Blue grunted a moment later, once he’d picked up on what that exchange meant. “Mama,what is he saying?” he demanded and she shook her head. Since she wouldn’t give him any answers, he looked at me. “You came here to kill my pops?” he asked, advancing on me, but stopping barely a foot from my face. “You sat your bitch ass in my face and pretended we were cool, knowing what you came here for?”

“I never pretended a thing,” I answered him honestly. “I have no issue with you. You asked me to help you find the people who killed your father, and I agreed to it, because they took something from me too.”


“Brandon!” Randy scolded, stepping between us. She knew he wouldn’t risk hurting her to get at me, so she latched on. “Carmen, let him loose.”

“What?!” Blue and Carmen exclaimed, damn near in tandem, only for Randy to repeat herself.

“Cut my husband’s son loose.”

Those words sucked all the air from the room.

I could only guess that Carmen and Blue hadn’t quite madethatpart of the connection yet; so focused on the fact that I’d come to Vegas to kill someone they were close to that they hadn’t parsed all the new information.

Now that they had… there was no more room for argument.

Carmen pulled a blade from somewhere and… cut me loose.

“I don’t care who you’re supposed to be to me,” Blue said, his mother’s wishes the only thing holding him back, I was sure. “Fuck you. The only thing keeping a bullet out of your head is my mama, and she won’t always be where I am,” he growled. “Keep your eyes open, nigga.”

I didn’t even respond.

What would’ve been the point?

I had no beef with Blue or any of thePredators.

I hadoneenemy in Vegas, and once I’d settled that, the plan was to move to the next person on my list, Renard Belrose. All this shit with thePredatorswas supposed to lead to me getting my pound of flesh from whoever had encroached on my territory. The longer I was here though… it looked more and more like I was going to get to kill two birds with one stone.

But if I wanted that… it was time to let the distractions go.