Page 92 of Reaper's Reward

She gave a half-hearted shrug. “It does not matter. Death goes on with or without me. If my domain perishes, it will take Fenrir with it. Perhaps that could be for the best. I tire of our twisted existence. The peace of finality could be nice. And I am not the first afterlife to fade in this modern world.”

My lips twisted to the side. Pity made my eyes burn with unshed tears. Hel looked like she wanted to reprimand me for feeling anything on her behalf. Instead, she turned and left us alone beneath the leaves of the world tree.

There was no one else around for miles. A beat of silence lasted up until I asked:

“Do you think Hel and Fenrir got it on under this tree?”

Maddox pressed his lips into a narrow line and looked at me like I’d lost my mind. To that, I wiggled my eyebrows. Even if they didn’t, we still could.

I let my hand rove down the front of his bare body before I grasped the proof of his interest in my suggestion. His breath shuddered out of him as I stroked along the length of his cock.

“With every world in existence watching?” he asked.

I gripped his chin and pulled him in for a kiss. “Exactly.”