Page 87 of Reaper's Reward

I turned back and wished that I could have somedivinehelp on my side. It would have been nice if Hel or Persephone could have been here, but Fenrir was a danger to even gods.

“We’re never taking another job like this ever again,” I grumbled to my husband as I tried to hold my form together in the presence of Fenrir’s devouring aura.

Maddox nodded quickly before leaping at Fenrir once more. Meanwhile, I tried to keep our forms from falling apart in this aura. After putting myself back together once, I had a pretty good idea of how this worked. I could use my arcana to basically compress our bodies. That way, Fenrir couldn’t pull us apart.

My mind was split in several directions. My knees shook beneath me as I tried to keep ahold of the fate chains and force our bodies together under the prying pressure of Fenrir’s aura. I refused to falter, but it seemed that my physical form could uphold its end of the agreement. There was no lack of arcana. My potential was infinite.

Fenrir locked eyes with me. A slow grin spread across his wolf face.

I wasn’t truly divine. This body was mortal, in the end. It couldn’t do what I needed it to. I reached forward with a shaking hand. The fate chain was heavy in my grasp, but I had to get it wrapped around Fenrir.

I had to.

Maddox needed me.

My friends needed me.

All around me, Fenrir devoured my home. My cross-stitch pillows disintegrated. My lace curtain fell apart. Glass windows became sand that vanished on the wind flowing towards Fenrir. Everything that had been mine…now gone.

I really hoped Potato found her way out before this. If Fenrir ate my cat, I would make his life a living hell.

Fenrir lowered his head and prowled in my direction. I could barely move. My body turned sluggish under all that I was asking it to do. I couldn’t get out of the way of Fenrir’s incoming attack.

Behind him, Maddox rose, shook himself, and lunged. He caught Fenrir by the throat and sent the wolf rolling across the room. Could anyone outside hear this? The fate of the world was being decided inside my family Victorian—not that there was much of the house left. Fenrir had eaten away at the walls and windows, leaving nothing but bare framing behind.

“I will win!” Fenrir howled with his monstrous mouth.

He shouldn’t have been able to speak in that form. I hated that he could. It made him even creepier. My skin crawled.

Maddox pinned Fenrir to the ground by his throat. Dark blood turned Fenrir’s fur slick. A bit of hope flickered inside me. It illuminated the power that my friends had lent me. I still had a lot of fight left in me if I could just get my body to agree.

Fenrir never stopped eating, though. He kept devouring everything around him. The walls were going to collapse soon. The outside panels would give way and reveal us to the entire city.

“We can’t stay here!” I ran up to Maddox.

It was a danger zone, but I had to take this risk. If Maddox understood what I wanted, then I would have to be beside him when it happened. I had a chance now, too. This close, I could fasten one of the fate chains to the broken chain links from our previous fight.

One down.

Fenrir felt the chain snap in place. His eyes went wide with panic.

Maddox opened a portal at that moment. He ripped a hole between worlds right beneath us so that we all fell through. I wanted to turn back and take one last look at my home and my friends, but I couldn’t afford to take my eyes off Fenrir. He ripped his arm away from me and made me falter.

I gritted my teeth as we fell into Hel’s dark domain. I had to get a hold on this. Maddox hit the ground and immediately pounced to intercept Fenrir before he could reach me. I thought of my friends back home.

They were as close as I’d ever come to real family. If we died down here, I hoped they knew just how much I loved them. I hoped the man in front of me knew how much I loved him, too.

He did.

And he loved me just as much. I could tell. It was in the way we moved together. This was it. We weren’t going to run. If we had to, we would go down together—and we would take Fenrir with us.


Addie didn’t know it,but I was going to make sure she survived. I harried Fenrir in an attempt to push him deeper into Hel’s domain. All I wanted was to get him away from Addie. If I could do that, then she could run. She didn’t have to fall into the portal with us. She could have run and saved her own life.

That wasn’t the woman I married, though. Addie had a streak of determination running through her. I caught the cold steel in her eyes as she glared at Fenrir. She was unharmed, at the very least. Whatever Hel had done to her, it was paying off.

I leapt, side to side so Fenrir wouldn’t be able to predict my movements. When I lunged, I tore at his flank. It was amazing how quickly I’d given in to my beast when a threat as great as Fenrir appeared.