Page 85 of Reaper's Reward

My blow took Fenrir by surprise. He reeled back and crashed through the coffee table. My knuckles burned from the impact. When I looked down, I noticed that some of the skin had been peeled away.

Well, now we knew how long Ness’s commands worked on a demi-god. I almost wanted to see her try to use her arcana on Vi or even Addie. Now wasn’t the time for testing limits. I spread my feet apart to steady myself and lifted my fists in a defensive pose.

Fenrir picked himself up from the ground and brushed himself off. In the blink of an eye, the rubble of the table vanished. He ate it up like it was nothing. I had to find a way to keep him from eating everything.

“Take this, bastard!” A ball of light shot through the air.

Fenrir barely looked up. The sucking sensation returned, and the ball of light vanished before making impact. Vi, on the other side of the room, seemed shocked. She looked at her hand, looked at Fenrir, and looked at her hand again.

“The Hell?” she breathed.

I flung my hand in her direction. “Out!”

Eyes wide, mouth open in a little O, she spun and fled from the room. Addie tried to rush past Vi, but the blonde antichrist hooked an arm around Addie’s waist and pulled her back. I gave Addie an apologetic look.

Addie met my eyes for a brief moment. The connection was lost when Fenrir palmed my face and shoved me to the ground. My beast pushed to the surface. Fingers curling into claws, I grabbed ahold of Fenrir’s wrist and yanked his hand away from my face. My lips pulled away from my elongated teeth.

My beast and I were on the same page. At least Fenrir wasn’t looking at Addie. Vi would be able to get her out of here. It didn’t matter if I died today. I would find her in the afterlife and tell her I loved her one last time.

Power suffused my body with potential. I leapt back onto my feet and lunged at Fenrir. He moved to get away, but plants sprang from the ground and wrapped around his ankles and calves. He swayed unsteadily and shot an alarmed look up at me.

I jumped on him and sent him crashing back to the ground. Now that I had him, I needed to figure out how to kill him. If I snapped his neck, would he crumple? Did I have to tear out his throat?

Or should I open a portal and send us both crashing into an empty realm so that I would have time to fight and figure this out?

That sounded like a good idea. I flashed Fenrir a wink and snapped open a portal.

Addie cried out behind me. My heart stuttered. It made my breath rush out of me. At the last second, I doubted my plan. Not because I didn’t think I could trap Fenrir with me. I knew that if I did this, I would miss Addie every second that I was gone.

This was the only way to truly keep her safe, though. She didn’t deserve the weight of the world on her shoulders. If I could take this and relieve her of this duty, then I would. I couldn’t let it weigh on her the way that Paige’s fate did to her. I had a second chance to do this right with Addie.

The dark portal yawned open behind Fenrir. I grabbed him and spun to shove us both through it. A wave of green plant life sprang over the portal. We crashed into it and bounced back.

I caught Cerri, hand out, across the room. Her eyes flicked from the portal to Addie. I snarled in warning. The women kept interfering. Couldn’t they see that I was trying to save their friend? Fate could suck my ass. I wasn’t going to let anyone tell Addie what to do with her life anymore.