Page 36 of Reaper's Reward

A sensation tugged at my skin. My instincts launched me into action before I realized what was happening. I ripped off my seatbelt and threw myself over Addie right before the bass sound of dematerialization slapped my eardrums.

Addie screamed, but Fenrir’s hunger ate the sound. All I could hear was his manic laughter. He approached the driver’s side of the sedan—not that there was a side anymore. Fenrir had carved away at it, taking fiberglass, metal, and glass.

The people at the insurance companyweregoing to lose their minds.

Fenrir bent, his hands on what was left of the car as he leaned over us. A twisted smile made his expression manic. He reached in, past me. I snarled and snatched his wrist. His eyes snapped to mine. He snarled and backhanded me across the face.

Truth be told, my dignity hurt more than my skin did.

“Give me Hel’s little brat,” Fenrir growled.

He reached for Addie again, but she’d shoved her door open and tumbled out just in time for Fenrir’s hand to grasp nothing more than empty air. That gave me room to launch myself at Fenrir. Together, we flowed out of the driver’s side of the car, away from Addie.

“Run for safety!” I shouted back at her.

I caught a glimpse of her rising on shaky feet. I prayed she listened. Fenrir could have me, but I didn’t know what I would do if he hurt her. There was already a monster chained inside me. Without Addie, there would be nothing holding me back from the beast that Fenrir wanted me to be.

We hadn’t even gotten the chance to head to the courtroom. I’d promised to elope with her, but Fenrir had come to rip the chance out of our hands.