Page 2 of Reaper's Reward

The light of my beast never left my eyes. It lit them with a blue fire that illuminated my cheeks and darkened the shadows that carved out the hollows in my face. I looked as though I hadn’t eaten in weeks. When I curled my upper lip, it revealed sharp, beastly teeth.

In Addie’s absence, I was becoming more beast than man…no, I was becoming more monster than beast. Not even the light of my beast could hide the eyes of a man who’d killed. There was a chill in my gaze that felt nothing for the man I’d killed with Addie’s help.

That wasn’t the worst part. It was the hunger that pinched the pit of my stomach.

The Pack brought food left and right. They’d filled the kitchen with all sorts of meats and carbs. No matter where I turned, there was something to eat. At first, I didn’t have an appetite. Ryder had to give me the command to eat.

Nothing could fill this empty ache deep inside me, though. I ate and ate, but the hollowness refused to leave. Clutching the sides of my head, I snarled at my weakness. I knew what it was, and I hated how badly I needed Addie to live just so that I could feel human.

It felt wrong. I needed Addie for more than just sustenance. She meant everything to me. Like it or not, I’d fallen in love again. This woman had charmed me through and through. I could see myself with no one else.

Yet, I still feared the day that the world took her from me and left me an empty monster with no soul.

I lurched out of the bathroom and went down into the kitchen to grab more to eat. I devoured bread and meat, bowls of macaroni and cheese, and anything else I could get my hands on. Nothing was enough. Eventually, I stared down the bowl and wondered how it would taste.

That’s when I flung it into the sink and threw myself out of the kitchen once more.

Was this how Vince felt? When his mate was taken from him, did he suffer from the same empty ache? He’d been the one to kill his mate, but we were both soulless shifters living in a world determined to twist us into monsters. I didn’t want to become like him.

My boundaries had already been pushed. What else would this community make me do before I drew a line? What else would I become without Addie to feed my beast?