Carefully,I knelt and gathered her small hound form into my arms. Asleep, Ness seemed so small and fragile. I clutched her close, gave the fae man a nod, and turned back the way I’d come.
“She’s a stubborn little beast,” the fae man called out. “Keep an eye on her, so she doesn’t run off like that again. My mistress won’t be pleased if your little puppy goes and gets herself killed.”
I could have stayed and showed the fae man that he was in no position to give orders, but there were other, more important matters at hand. The fae man didn’t deserve my time right now.
The walk back to the apartment seemed to take forever, but at least I knew where Ness was. I knew that she was safe in my arms. My beast calmed, all of its attention on Ness now.
Inside, I set her on the bed and watched her shift back as she woke. She stretched, naked before me. I couldn’t help but look her up and down. A hunger flared inside me. It was one I had not sated in so long. One taste of her would not be enough, though.
Subtle dark circles nested beneath Ness’s eyes. I leaned forward and cupped her face. She turned into my embrace, a gesture that made my heart dance happily.
“Woman, if you do not take care of yourself, then I will be forced to do it for you,” I growled down at her.
She scowled, her eyes closed. The gentle brush of her dark lashes over her cheek entranced me. I couldn’t stop staring at her pale countenance and the splattering of freckles over her sun-kissed nose.
Pressing closer, I parted her legs so that I could position myself over her. She wrapped them around me, almost as if in reflex. My dragon growled in anticipation. Hot blood rushed south.
Could she feel my need? How I wanted to be inside her and see pleasure ripple over her exquisite face?
I could tell her. I could whisper all the ways that I wanted to comfort and excite her.
But she was tired. Ness had run herself ragged, perhaps in search of Alvin after grief had overwhelmed her. She was a fool, but at the end of the day, she was my fool.
The fae’sspell bled away with every stroke of Ryder’s hands over my skin. He ran them up my thigh, up my waist, and along my chest. I arched my back and pressed myself into his open palms. The growl that slipped out of him lit a fire inside me.
I knew that I had to keep that fire low so that it wouldn’t melt the ice in my chest, but I was growing weary. I needed something to keep my frigid soul from freezing over. Already, I felt too close to the void that was apathy. If I fell into it, I might never find my way out. I needed Ryder to hold me away from the edge and keep me turned towards the light of hope.
Brushing my knuckles along the scruff of his jaw, I stared into his bright eyes. The churning tones of gray flared bright with flashes of lightning. Electricity crackled along his skin and licked mine like a lover.
I let out a small moan from the sensations climbing my body. Ryder pressed himself firmly between my legs so that I could feel the full length of his need through his jeans.
“Don’t you dare take off without me again,” he growled over me.
Even though my eyes were nearly rolling into the back of my head, I managed to say, “The pack needed you.”
Ryder cupped the back of my head and forced me to look at him. He was so close that our breath mingled. If I leaned forward, our lips would brush one another.
“Ineedyou,” Ryder breathed.
Mate, my beast whispered.
I tightened my fists in the front of his shirt to hold him near. When his lips met mine, it was a thunderous crash of passion that blazed hot and fast. His tongue pushed past my lips and carved into my mouth. Eager, I opened for him.
Unable to bear the thought of Ryder being too far from me, I threaded my fingers in his hair and held him close. The soft groan that left his lips when I tugged made my heart leap. I pulled tighter and he shoved me back onto the bed. The weight of his body covered mine, not crushing but comforting.
“Do I have to show you how badly I need you?” Ryder whispered in my ear.
Chills ran from my skull to my throat to my core. I whimpered and shuddered against him.
“Show me,” I begged. “Show me what it’s like to be needed. Please.”
Gruff, Ryder gripped my hip with one hand while he worked to unbutton his jeans with the other. My core clenched tight, hungry for what was to come. I couldn’t help but move under his grasp as impatience took over.