I turned my attention to the witch. “Take this curse off me. It’s your doing, so you should be able to banish it. Do that for me, and I’ll give you another favor. Anything you want.”

Oh, I hated the desperation turning my voice into a sad plea, but my heart frantically slammed against my sternum. I couldn’t sleep. I couldn’t go anywhere without looking over my shoulder again.

The memory of Alvin’s dark silhouette outside the building haunted me. He’d been right there. They would have carted me away had it not been for Ryder and his dragon wings.

If the witch could banish this curse, then I wouldn’t have to worry about walking right into Alvin’s hands.

“He’s killing small animals so he can control me. I know that doesn’t mean anything to a witch like yourself, but help me put a stop to this. It’s disgusting.”

The witch sneered in disbelief. “He’s making sacrifices? You royally screwed that ritual up if he needs extra power in order to issue commands. I’m all at once proud and perplexed.”

Closing the space between us, I ignored the creeping sensation of bugs on my skin so I could look down my nose at the witch. “I don’t care what you’re feeling. Take this off me.”

She gave a sad shake of her head. “The only way you’re getting out of this is in death, love.”

My core trembled. The ice in my chest hardened, as if in preparation for what was to come. I could feel that chill slipping into my veins and slowly taking over my body. Though I tried to shake it off, it clung to me in warning.

* * *

The boat captainreturned at just the right time. I couldn’t help but wonder if that was the witch’s doing, or if it was just coincidence. Either way, we climbed back onto the boat and made our way back to the mainland.

I wasn’t ready to go back to Lakesedge. I wanted to stay here, near the glimmering river water where I could see castles. The lake back home was pretty, but it didn’t hold the kind of majesty that could be found here.

We climbed back into the car, nonetheless. I mourned the pretty landscape disappearing behind us, because I knew we had a task ahead that would end horribly.

The witch’s words haunted me. She’d warned that this curse would only end in death. Though I’d come back from the dead before, I had no idea if it would happen again. How many chances did I get? Was it only one? Had it already been wasted?

I snuck a glance in Ryder’s direction. My stomach flipped.

Another question tumbled into the forefront of my mind—one more vulnerable. I clenched my fists as a wave of emotion swelled in my chest. Sucking down a deep breath, I tried to steel myself for what I needed to do.

If only I’d said what I meant to. Instead, something else slipped out.

“I need to know what your relationship with Bri is.”

Oh, I could have slapped myself in that moment. I cringed, fully aware of what I’d just done.

Ryder slammed on the brakes. He jerked the wheel so that we came to a halt on the side of the road. I was suddenly grateful that we’d decided to take a scenic route back home instead of the highway, or someone would have rear-ended us for sure.

“What the hell?” I threw out my hands to brace myself against the dashboard.

Ryder jammed the gearshift into park then twisted to look at me. His glare was dark, his jaw tight with tension. Clearly, I’d kicked a hornet’s nest and was about to face the consequences.

Putting my hands up, palms out, I said, “Fine. I’ll stop asking. Clearly things between the two of you are still complicated.”

With no words, Ryder reached out and cupped the back of my head. He pulled me in, our lips crashing together. Though I wanted to push back, I immediately melted against him. The taste of his tongue on mine scrambled all thoughts.

I let him kiss me, let his tongue push into my mouth so that he could fill me in ways I’d craved for so long. Hands fisted in the front of his shirt, I nearly begged him to stay.

Keep going. More. Please. I’m so hungry for you.

Ryder gave in to my silent plea. He deepened the kiss, pushing me back into my seat until there was only him. His teeth dragged against my lip. The taste of metal bloomed in my mouth from his rough love. It woke a feral need in me that made me claw at his shoulders.

Finally, he pulled away. I tried to drag him back, but he held firm.

“If Bri was my mate, would I kiss you like that?” he asked, his voice low and gruff. His hand slid up my thigh, the tips of his fingers delving between my legs in a way that made me want to part them for him. “Would I touch you like this if I had a mate elsewhere?”

An electric spark leapt through my chest and zapped my heart. I let out a shuddering breath because that’s all I could manage. No words came to me. No thoughts surfaced in the puddle of my brain.