That made me wonder if Morgan had changed, too. Consumed by grief and rage, with no closure, had Morgan become more reckless? Did he charge forward into situations now?

No one could escape time. I just hoped that with more time, both could heal. I wanted to meet Morgan and get to know him as Ryder’s brother, not as this threat looming over our heads.

“I noticed that you have your phone turned on now,” I said.

Ryder nodded. He leaned forward just enough to pull his phone from his pocket. The screen lit up when he pressed the button on the side. No messages appeared, and he let out a breath, making me sink deeper into his lap.

“Even if Morgan hadn’t known where I was, he would have figured it out the night that you…well, the night Alvin tried to make you kill me. I called Morgan with the idea that maybe I could talk some sense into him.” Ryder hugged me closer and rested his chin on the top of my head. “Morgan heard a lot of what happened that night. I didn’t mean for things to end up that way.”

I cringed. “He’s going to know me as the woman who tried to kill you. That’s a great first impression.”

“If we’re lucky, he’ll meet you under different circumstances. You’ll get a second chance at a first impression.”

I rolled my eyes, but a grin still lifted my lips. “That’s not how first impressions work.”

Ryder’s own smile started to spread across his face, but the sound of his phone buzzing immediately tore the joy away from his countenance. I sat upright as he reached for his phone.

The way Ryder’s nose wrinkled at the screen made me realize that it was going to be a long night.