My eyes snapped open. I slid my gaze over to Alvin, whose expression had finally softened into curiosity and annoyance rather than mania.

“When you drew breath after I’d killed you, I thought that maybe I’d found the ultimate plaything. Finally, someone I could hunt over and over. Then you grew cocky. You began to talk back and roused the pack.

“Silly mutt. You act like they’ve never tried to protect you. Too stupid and focused on yourself, you missed all the times they came to me and begged me to leave you alone. Your father got down on his hands and knees for you. It was a pathetic sight, if I’m going to be honest.”

Despite my tired bones, my hounds growled at the mention of my father. Had he survived Jackson’s attack? Maybe I would never know. I would never be able to thank him for everything he’d done for me.

Then again, there was a chance I might survive after all. I didn’t remember Alvin killing me. Had I really died? Or had he mistaken my unconsciousness for death? The ice in my chest shifted in response.

I carried death with me, but it could not claim me. I shuddered. The thought should have filled me with a sense of security. Instead, I wondered how many ways Alvin might make me wish for death.

Distantly, I heard a door open. Relief hit me in the chest. I shot upright just for Alvin to grab ahold of my hair and yank me back down.

The figure that filled the doorway ahead of me made my heart sink. The witch dropped a duffel bag in the doorway. She looked me up and down, her expression cold and unreadable.

“Here’s what you need for the ritual. Make sure you tie her with silver bonds or else she’ll get away.” The witch turned to leave. She waved over her shoulder and disappeared.

“It’s time to tame you once and for all,” Alvin muttered.

While he reached for the bag, I shot to my feet. I lurched for the nearest window. Alvin grabbed the back of my coat and jerked me off my feet. I landed on the floor with a thud that rattled my vision. He stood over me, taking both of my wrists in his hands, before I could stop him.

Cold metal slithered around my wrists. My hound whimpered, but the sound faded and died. Silver.

Panic slammed me in the chest. A whimper on my lips, I rolled onto my side so I could get to my feet.

Alvin didn’t answer. He put a boot on my chest, kicked me back, and reached for the bag.

I stared at the flickering bond mark on the back of my hand and focused on it. I shoved aside all thoughts of death and focused on Ryder. My feelings for him warmed me, and the light grew a little brighter. Stronger, the light stopped flickering.

Ryder, this goddamn bond better do something because I’m not going to let Alvin win. I need you, damn it. Please! Come find me!