“Cerri said she’ll meet you back at her place.” Vi’s voice dropped. “Run like the wind, Dragon. Keep our hound alive.”

She hung up. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and checked on Ness. She gave me a weak smile to tell me that she was still hanging on, but she didn’t make a peep or even open her eyes.

How much time did we have left? My dragon roared. The warehouse apartments weren’t far away. That meant the border of Lakesedge’s territory had to be close. The dragon pushed. For a moment, I thought it would take over. Then, the skin along my back ripped open.

Wings unfurled from my shoulders. Though I’d never had a successful partial shift before, I didn’t have time to think about it. As I ran, I gave them a few test flaps. They caught the air without trembling. Flying in this new form would be dangerous with Ness in my arms. Instead, I used my wings and the winds to propel myself forward.

Deeper into Lakesedge, I flew. My feet barely skimmed the ground. I didn’t have to run with these wings pushing me along. The trees quickly became buildings, all of which were a blur at this point. Worry for Ness tried to sit at the front of my mind, but I had to push it aside so I could focus on the street signs around me.

Which way was it? Where did Cerri live?

The signs meant nothing to me. I lifted my nose into the air and found the soft scent of herbal potions. I followed it to the edge of the lake where the warehouses were. Smoke billowed out of an open window of one warehouse. I shoved through the doors and bounded up the steps.

Cerri’s door was already open. I bent, awkwardly forcing my wings through the opening meant for more human forms. Cerri turned and startled, her eyes on my wings. She quickly collected herself and gestured for me to place Ness on the couch.

Ness barely moved. There was a slight twitch of her brows, like she wanted to scowl at me but couldn’t muster the energy. At least, she was holding on. I took her hand and held it tight.

My wings should have receded by now, but my dragon kept pumping arcana into my veins. The clouds outside were still vibrating with thunderous energy. I couldn’t tell if that energy belonged to me or Ness.

It felt like mine. The way my beast clawed at me from the inside, so desperate to reach Ness before she breathed her final breath, I couldn’t help but worry that I was leaking arcana. I had to get ahold of myself, but that seemed impossible while I watched sweat bead on Ness’s forehead.

Her lips pursed with pain. She let out a mewling whimper, but her grip on me tightened in turn, as if to say that she wasn’t ready to let go yet.

“Good, pup,” I said under my breath.

I couldn’t manage anything more. Just thinking about how this could end took my breath away. It left my chest tight, my lungs assailed by the beast inside me.

Mate, the beast screamed.Protect the mate. Keep her safe. Don’t let her leave yet.

Cerri shoved me aside. I snarled at her. She didn’t flinch. She didn’t even give me the glare I deserved. Cerri wasted no time sliding a potion down Ness’s throat.

I swallowed. “What if we’re too late?”

“You were on death’s doorstep last time,” Cerri said. She bit her lip before saying anything more, revealing that she was afraid, too.

The soft light in my hand brought my attention to the mark. It flickered, making my heart lurch unexpectedly. My knees hit the floor. I touched Ness’s cheek, gently tapping her to wake her.

“Don’t you go now.”

She didn’t respond.

“Ness. Vanessa. Wake up!”

Cerri, finished with her job, stepped away from us. Shaky, I stood and gathered Ness into my arms. I waited, straining for some sort of response. Ness didn’t move. She remained limp in my arms.

“She’s still breathing,” Cerri said softly, as if reassuring herself, from the other side of the room.

The words should have settled me. I should have felt better. Until Ness opened her eyes and looked at me, I wouldn’t know peace. My beast had gone wild. Lightning snapped inside me, lashing at anything it could reach.

It licked the side of Cerri’s couch and left a black singe. I tried to pull it back, but the electricity slipped through my fingers once more. Cerri assured me that it was fine, that her couch was old and had seen far worse. I mumbled a quiet apology and hung my head so that my forehead touched Ness’s.

Like this, I could feel her soft breath on my skin. I just had to hope that would be enough.