
I stareddown at the phone, my stomach churning. The sandwich and coffee refused to settle. Nothing would stay down now that I knew I had to attend a pack meeting tonight. So much had happened in the past few days. I couldn’t be certain if Alvin had figured out about the box or if he wanted to make an example of me for what happened to Harvey.

Either way, I was royally screwed.

Once again, I briefly considered tracking down Thor and taking him up on his offer. A change of scenery could be…nice?

My body physically rebelled at the thought, bile climbing its way up my throat after my core constricted. I wasn’t going to give up on my pack. They needed someone who could take the reins and make changes. I didn’t think that I would be that person—not in the long run, at least. But I could be the catalyst.

With a couple of hours left before sundown, I told Addie and Vi that I had somewhere to go. My keys jingled in my hand because I couldn’t stop shaking. On high alert, I scanned my surroundings as I walked the narrow alley back to my car. Thankfully, Harvey didn’t jump out of the shadows.

I raced back to Lakesedge with a single thought on my mind. Catriona hadn’t shown me the warmest welcome the last time I’d visited her, but I’d left with more questions than answers. It was time that I pressed her again.

Catriona, a fellow packmate and the historian for the pack, answered the door after I slammed my fist on it. She gave me a glare, her jaw clenched.

“Vanessa,” she said coldly.

I gave her my shakiest smile. “We need to talk.”

I thought she might slam the door in my face. Instead, she backed away, so I could step inside. My heart stopped beating for a moment, as if waiting to see what might happen next. I slid past her and flinched when she slammed the door.

“I went back and looked at the record book.” Catriona marched past me and headed into the kitchen. “I could not tell you whether the book was vandalized before or after your birth. Truth be told, I don’t inspect the books often enough.”

I padded after her. “Did anyone visit before me? Like Alvin, maybe?”

Catriona sighed and threw me a dirty look. “Always stirring the pot, I see.”

Frustration hit me like a ball of crackling energy. “I didn’t do a damn thing, and you know it. I’m a damn punching bag for Alvin and Harvey. Did you know that Alvin was killing humans? Were you aware that he’s been hunting them for a long time?”

“Don’t go starting rumors just because you’re angry about your situation. Ness, you have to understand that we’re animals. We aren’t humans. Our minds don’t work like human minds. We’re subject to our basic instincts.”

I gaped at her. “Are you excusing murder?”

Catriona slammed her hand down on the counter. “He didn’t kill anyone! I’m telling you that you have to understand that Alvin feels threatened. He’s acting like this because you have him backed into a corner.”

I had to laugh because I would cry if I didn’t. The laugh was bitter. It cracked and nearly plunged me into hysterics. I dragged in a ragged breath and shoved the tsunami of emotions back down.

“I have proof.” My voice shook more than I would have liked. “I’m not trying to spread lies. Alvin has been showing you his worst side for years, and no one seems to care. This is about the truth, about how many lives he’s taken.”

Catriona watched me, her penetrating gaze trying to look right through me. I wasn’t hiding anything this time. I let my fear and desperation show. Another minute, and I would likely be a sobbing mess on the floor.

Man, I needed another mocha.

Catriona leaned back and gripped the edge of the counter behind her. She dropped her gaze to stare at the floor. There were gears working behind her eyes, thoughts and truths turning one over the other.

Voice soft and pleading, I said, “Tell me what you know about the book, the one with the passage about the other Barghest.”

“I don’t know a damn thing about it, Ness. I know that the passage exists. When I told you that I don’t read the books, I meant it. I’m not a fountain of information. I’m just the one who writes it down.”

For a moment, I wondered what she’d been writing. Was there a written history of the things Alvin had done to me? If so, then I didn’t want to see it. The thought that future generations would know my pain and shame made me shudder.

I wished that I could have been stronger, that I could have found my arcana earlier. I couldn’t change the past, though. The only thing I could change was the future. I’d be damned if anyone took that away from me.

“You said you have proof?” Catriona asked.

My head snapped up. For a heartbeat, my mind spun. Then it clicked. “Yeah. I have the trophies from his kills. They’re all dresses from human women. I…I even found one of the bodies.”