“When you bring back my dead body, I hope they kill you out of spite,” I said. In the same instant, I jerked my body to snap his hold.

My knife caught another guy who leapt at me in the neck. I kicked the one behind me into the edge of one of the tables and dropped to the floor both to avoid the groping hands and to snatch up the gun I’d lost.

I flipped onto my back and fired at the faces looming over me. Someone dove in with a knife that raked across my shoulder when I deflected it from my throat at the last second. Hissing at the sting of pain, I clamped my free hand around his wrist and wrenched to plunge the blade into his own chest.

I tripped another attacker with a slam of my heel, rolled under the table and shot a few legs before someone slammed a steel-toed boot into my ribs from the other side. With another wince, I whirled around and shot the kneecap on the offending leg. The man toppled over, and I added another bullet to his head.

More attackers swarmed on me, but other shouts joined the fray—voices I was much happier to hear.

“Take this, fuckers!” Blaze called out with fierce exuberance.

Julius’s growl followed. “This is what happens to anyone who messes with the Chaos Crew.”

What followed was a blur of adrenaline, movement, and gunfire. I snatched my last cartridge from my pocket and shoved it into my gun as the guys did their work and then added more of my own bullets to the deluge from beneath the table. Bodies swayed and crumpled around me.

One final attacker sprang at me with a knife in both hands, but my kick to his belly sent him sprawling—right beneath the swing of Talon’s knife.

In the sudden quiet, I scrambled out from under the table. Our dead opponents littered the room around me, and I could see others sprawled in the hallway outside. Julius looked the scene over with a grim smile.

Blaze’s gaze snagged on me—and the cut carved into my shoulder. “You’re hurt.”

I pressed my hand to the wound. “I’ll be fine. It’s not that deep.” The stinging had already dulled to a faint ache.

Garrison looked up from where he was crouched in the corner, checking the attackers’ pockets. “I’m not finding any ID, but this prick is still alive,” he said, motioning to a man who was bleeding from his thigh and stomach. “Maybe he can cough up some details for us?”

A hard glint came into Julius’s eyes. “I’ll bet he can. But we shouldn’t wait around here for more of these assholes to come at us. Bring him. With a little convincing, I’m sure we can find out everything he knows.”

Talon went over to haul the guy into his hold. The injured man flailed ineffectually as we strode back through the factory.

Blaze glanced at me, managing a wry smile. “Not such a bad lead after all, in the end.”

I nodded to the man. “Let’s see if he gives anything up before we make a final judgment on that.”