I placed a hand on his thigh. “I don’t think he expects us to see them that way. He wanted to scare me. I just don’t know why.”

“That is the strangest thing,” Gideon agreed, shutting off the video feed.

Wylder scowled. “Why does he want anything from any of us? The video was meant for Dad to see. It was a warning. This Xavier asshole wants to establish something here. He’s coming for us, and he wants us to know it.”

Wylder was right about that. Xavier had practically called for war on the streets of Paradise Bend.

Not that we hadn’t been fighting already, with Colt and all the other gangs he’d brought in…

I paused, a startling thought emerging from the confused haze in my head. “Do you think Xavier is the mastermind behind Colt’s takeover of the Bend? I mean, we knew Colt had help from outside in the form of drugs and weapons. There were those strange men who just stood back and watched when he confronted us, and whoever he was taking orders from on the phone. We assumed the people backing him just left, but that never made much sense to me. What if it was Xavier?”

Rowan knit his brow. “That’s a good point. We never figured out who his biggest backer was, did we? It’d make more sense than Xavier coming out of nowhere, completely unconnected.”

Kaige frowned. “But he seemed happy that Colt’s gone.”

“Typical kingpin strategy,” Wylder said with an edge in his voice. “Use whoever you can to clear the way and then kick them aside when you don’t need them anymore. Xavier let the locals go into the line of fire to take down the Claws and whoever else was going to stand up against an invasion, and now he’s ready to step up himself. Which’ll be easier if Colt isn’t there complaining about how he was the one who was supposed to take the throne.”

Gideon rubbed his mouth, shifting his silver lip ring. “It’s odd that Xavier would decide to reveal himself to us, though. What did he gain from that?”

“More fear and intimidation, or at least that’s what he’s probably hoping for,” I said. “The guy’s obviously psychotic, and he likes a spectacle. Who else would throw rotting body parts around?”

Rowan nodded. “He wants us to panic and make mistakes that’ll play into his hands. But that’s the last thing we should do. We don’t know how powerful he is or how far his reach extends. Whatever moves we make, we need to be careful.”

“And protect Mercy,” Kaige spoke up. “Obviously the motherfucker has something against her.”

I nudged him gently with my elbow. “I think I’ve proven enough times that I can take care of myself.”

Kaige huffed. “Of course you can. You’re the most resilient woman I know, but we’re not leaving anything to chance. I think you should stay inside until we catch that piece of shit.”

I rolled my eyes. “Are you suggesting that I lock myself in my room?”

“If it comes to that, I’ll do it myself.” A sly grin twitched at his lips. “And maybe even give you some company.”

Even in the middle of this mess, he just couldn’t help himself, could he? I had to laugh, the tension in my chest easing just slightly. The reprieve didn’t last long before the uneasy ache returned, though.

I eased out of Kaige’s embrace, running my hands back over my hair. “I feel like even with Colt gone, nothing has changed. It’s almost as if we’re back to square one.” And somehow this situation felt far more dangerous than before. There were crazier people than my ex-fiancé out there. People who were willing to go to some very extreme lengths to make a point.

“Don’t think like that,” Rowan said.

“I can’t help it.” I smacked my fist against my knee. “I don’t care how powerful or insane this guy is; we can’t let him win. I don’t want an outsider to swoop in and take control of my home.”

“That won’t happen,” Wylder said firmly. “We’re going to protect Paradise City and the Bend, and send this prick packing. No matter what he throws at us, we’re fighting back by whatever means necessary. We’ll be smart about it, sure, but this isn’t the time to cower in a corner.”

Just as I was about to agree, Axel sauntered into the room. The bald, tattooed man didn’t look particularly pleased with any of us. “Boss wants to see you,” he said curtly, fixing his gaze on me. “Now.”

I raised my eyebrows. Why would Ezra Noble want to see me? Shouldn’t he be strategizing with Wylder and the rest of the top Nobles members?

“What does he want?” I asked, getting up.

Axel shrugged. “Beats me.” Something told me he knew the reason but couldn’t be bothered to divulge it. He might be one of Ezra’s most trusted men, but he always seemed to go out of his way to antagonize his boss’s son and anyone associated with Wylder.

Of course, Wylder and his inner circle had plenty of reasons to be wary of any interest Ezra showed toward me regardless. The man had tried to set me up to be murdered not too long ago.

Wylder stood up too. “I’ll go with you.”

“We’ll all go,” Rowan said. Gideon turned off his tablet, and Kaige sprang to his feet beside me.

Axel folded his arms over his broad chest. “Boss wants to see her. Alone.”