She was probably right. I had no hard evidence, only circumstantial proof, and repeating her confession was just hearsay. The story sounded so ridiculous I hadn’t even believed it myself until I’d watched her fight.

Gia drove her point home. “It doesn’t matter what you say. They don’t trust you. They’ll never believe you.”

And it’d look like I was just grasping at straws to convince Wylder I’d met his end of the deal. Damn it.

“You see,” Gia continued in a taunting voice. “You’re hopeless. Really there’s only one person in that house who might have figured it out eventually with all her nosing around, but I finally managed to take care of that problem too.”

She had to mean Anthea. I stared at her. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

She offered a sharp little smile. “Let’s just say the next drive Miss Prissy goes on will definitely be her last.”

Dread climbed up my spine. She’d messed with the other woman’s car somehow—and after what Gia had managed to do to Titus, I wasn’t sure even Anthea could survive this insanity.