
I stormedinto the groupie room in a temper. Most of the beds were unoccupied at this time of day, just a couple of girls in tight crop-tops and cut-off shorts giggling over some magazine.

I stopped in the middle of the room with my hands on my hips. “Did either of you pour grease all over my room last night?”

Their heads snapped up. They stared at me like deer trapped in headlights. Hell, every one of the groupies might have joined together to trash my stuff. I’d bet they’d all laughed about it afterward. Maybe Anthea had stopped by to join in the party too.

“Maybe we did, maybe we didn’t,” one of them said in a nasal voice. “What are you going to do about it?”

“Oh, there’s lots I can do.” I stepped toward them with fists raised, and both of them flinched. “Get the hell out of here, or I’ll be happy to demonstrate.”

They weren’t the ones I should have been the angriest at, but they were the only people in front of me, and I needed a quiet space to think. Unfortunately, I only got that for about five seconds after they scrambled out, because Gia came sauntering in right after.

“So that’s how the princess gets things done?” she said, adding a heavy sneer to the wordprincess. “Going around beating up people who talk back to you?”

I scowled at her, my hands clenching. I had no patience for her snark right now. “However you want to put it. They destroyed most of my clothes and belongings, and I’m sure you had fun watching them do it.”

She chuckled. “Itwasfun to watch.”

“Right, because what would you know about caring about your own things? You expect men to fuck you and then pay you for it with nice clothes and a place to stay and whatever else you need.”

She narrowed her eyes. “You don’t know shit about me, you bitch.”

“It’s not nice to call other people names, didn’t your mama tell you?” I shot back. “Besides, isn’t that the reason you all hang around? Hoping you’ll catch some gang prince’s eyes long enough that he’ll invite you to warm his bed?”

Gia drew her skinny frame up taller, as if she thought she’d intimidate me that way. “Nobodypaid for my clothes. I’m here because I want to be and because I genuinely care about what happens to—” She shook her head, and I assumed she’d been going to say Wylder. “These jeans are mine. Every piece of clothing I own I bought with my own money, and I’ll have you know that I can more than afford to pay it.”

My eyes drifted to her jeans. They did look expensive—almost designer. “How do you manage that?”

She tossed her hair haughtily. “You have no fucking right to my business. I’m sure I can take care of myself better thanyoucan now that you can’t go running to your daddy.”

The jab stung more than I should have let it—probably because Ididn’thave much means to pay my way through life at this particular moment. My tongue flew without consulting my brain. “Maybe you’re right. But since you’re so concerned about Wylder and his crew, you might want to consider just how close I’ve gotten to them now.” I took a step toward her so I was right in her face. “So close.”

She took my bait easily. “What is that supposed to mean?”

I batted my eyelashes. “Kaige likes me. Very much.” Maybe not anymore, but she didn’t have to know that.

She snorted. “No, he doesn’t. Kaige doesn’t like anyone.”

“He liked me enough to fuck me,” I said.

She stared at me, her jaw clenching. “You’re fucking lying.”

“We did it on the hood of his car in the garage. Rough and hard. He loved every second of it and was practically begging for another round. Which I didn’t give him, but even then, he never gaveyouthe slightest time of day, did—”

Gia lunged at me, shoving me so hard I staggered backward a few steps before toppling to the floor on my ass. My shoulders throbbed where she’d smacked her hands into them.

Holy shit, the girl had some guns on her, and not the kind that took bullets. I’d never have guessed she could hold her own in a real fight.

I sprang back to my feet, ready to have a proper go at this, but Gia’s stance had gone rigid. Worry flashed across her face, and she pushed herself backward, holding up her hands.

“Forget it. You’re not worth the energy.”

She stalked out of the room, leaving me staring after her. She’d looked almostscaredfor a second there. Because she’d been afraid of how I’d retaliate for her shove? But she hadn’t hesitated to goad me every chance she’d gotten before. I’d never gotten the impression she was worried about what I’d do to her.

So what was she nervous about now?