“You’re standing there pretending you’re some kind of powerhouse when the truth is that you need us. Bad.”

I couldn’t even deny that. Suppressing a cringe, I lowered my head. “Yeah. And that’s exactly why I wouldn’t buy into some shitty plan to fuck you over. Haven’t I proven I’m not that much of a moron by now?”

He was silent for a moment. Anthea stirred restlessly, probably itching to drag me to the curb—or maybe pour poison down my throat—but she let him take his time.

Finally, he rubbed his hands together. “After this little incident, I think I need to see just how badly you do want my favor. If you think I rode you hard before, you haven’t seen anything yet. You want to stick around and get your revenge? Let’s start by having you stay in the groupies’ room tonight. No private accommodations or special treatment. If that’s not good enough, you can go running back to your ‘fiancé.’”

I bit back a protest. I didn’t want to be anywhere near the girls like Gia who aspired no higher than hoping to get a regular ride on these guys’ cocks. But my desire for revenge trumped my ego.

“Fine. Where’s the groupie room?”

A smirk crossed his lips, one I longed to knock out with a punch. “You’re so smart, I’m sure you’ll figure it out.”