Colt motioned for his men to stand guard on the landing outside. “I’d like to talk with her alone.”

I eased closer to the window I’d noticed, pretending to be examining the space. The walls at the other end looked recently painted. No furniture had been brought in yet. “What is this place?”

“Just one of my many new bases of operation within my new kingdom.” Colt stalked closer to me, and I used that as an excuse to back up in the direction of the window. “Or perhaps I should sayourkingdom?”

My jaw went slack. Colt was watching me shrewdly. “You killed my family,” I spat out. My hand rose to the still healing spot on my arm where one of his men’s bullets had clipped me. “You tried to killme. There is no ‘our.’”

For an instant, I could have sworn I saw a flash of regret before it was replaced by ruthless ice in his eyes. “I did what I had to do to protect myself,” he said. “Your father was going to turn on me as soon as he had the chance.”

“Bullshit. He wanted the alliance—it washisidea. Why would he work so hard for it only to kill you?”

Colt began to pace. “I can’t tell you how your father’s mind worked. I only know I’ve seen more than enough evidence to be sure of it. Our marriage was all part of his plan. As soon as he got a grandson as an heir, he’d have done away with me.”

I thought back over all the times Dad had talked about cooperation between the Claws and the Steel Knights. I’d never heard a hint of that kind of malicious plotting. It didn’t even make sense. It could have taken years, more than a decade for us to have kids, if we’d had any at all.

If he’d wanted a war with the Steel Knights, why wait around? He could have married me to some powerless man and hoped to get his heir that way.

Either Colt was making this up to justify what he’d wanted to do anyway, or he was totally delusional.

When I shook my head, Colt walked right up to me and grabbed me by the nape of my neck through my hood. There was nothing gentle about it. “You don’t believe it?”

His eyes danced with a terrible light. For the first time, I began to wonder if something was seriously wrong with him.

His gaze dropped to my lips, still slightly tender from Kaige’s ravaging just a couple of hours ago. His jaw clenched. Could he tell? Something inside me tightened despite myself.

Colt was an attractive man, his amber eyes like a panther about to pounce. He reminded me of Wylder in some ways—but the truth was, they couldn’t be any more different. Wylder had shown me exactly who he was, no pretenses. Myex-fiancé had given me nothing but lies.

I shoved him away, and to my surprise, he let me go. “No, I don’t,” I said. “I knew my father a hell of a lot better than you did, and he wasexcitedby all the possibilities of the partnership.”

“I know what I’ve seen,” Colt said quietly. “But it’s become clear to me that you weren’t in on his schemes. We can put the past behind us. Be my queen, and together you and I will rule all of the Bend.”

I shook my head. “You’re insane.” Just a few weeks ago, his declaration would have woken up butterflies in my stomach, but now I felt nothing but disgust.

“I go after what I want. Andeveryonewants power. Don’t lie to yourself, Mercy. You’ve got to see how much we could accomplish together.” Colt paused. “Maybe your father knew what you’d be capable of too, and that’s why he tried to break you.”

I flinched. “The only person who’s lied to me isyou.”

“But I now know that you had nothing to do with your father’s plans,” Colt said. “Your devotion wasn’t false. So let’s move on.”

“I wasn’t devoted to you,” I snapped. I’d thought I’d been so calculating, but in the end I’d turned out to be a foolish, naïve girl who thought she could gain her freedom just like that. Ha.

Maybe it wasn’t smart of me, but I couldn’t stop my mouth from shooting off more. “You know what I think, Colt? What you’re telling me is just another load of bullshit. And I’m not falling for it this time.” I turned away from him and walked the last few steps to the window. The cooling evening air wafted over, beckoning me.

“What if we could rule all of Paradise Bend, not just the dregs down here?” Colt said, drawing me up short. That sounded all too close to the suspicion that had darted through my mind watching the weapons delivery.

I glanced over my shoulder at him. “What are you talking about?”

“Don’t you think it’s time the big men on the hill got taken down a peg? Or have you been impressed by those pompous bastards you went running to after all?”

My back went rigid. “How did you—"

Colt shook his head. “Did you really think I wouldn’t realize where you’d gone? Even the Nobles can’t ensure every mouth stays shut.”

Fuck. This was even worse than I’d thought. Not that his stupid plan would get him very far. Wylder wasn’t going to give a shit how Colt threatened me.

I raised my chin. “And there’s the lie. That’s why you actually brought me here—you want me as leverage.”

Colt let out a short guffaw. “Hell, no. Mercy, I want you to help me take them down. Go back to them, dig up every weakness you can, trip them up with your wily ways, and lay them on a platter for me. Once the Nobles are out of the picture, we can rule the whole county. Our kingdom will stretch as far as the eyes can see.” He swept his hand at the window at the front of the room.