
My stomach twisted. I dropped down the wall before I could be spotted and hurried in the opposite direction.

I needed to get back to the city, back to the mansion, and tell Wylder and his guys what I’d seen. This could be even worse than I’d thought.

I hurried past several blocks of buildings without registering much. I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost didn’t notice when I bumped shoulders with somebody on the sidewalk.

“Watch it,” a familiar voice snarled.

I whirled around and found myself staring at Gia, a thin jacket covering most of her skinny frame and a small duffel bag clutched against her side. My shock was mirrored in her eyes.

“What areyoudoing here?” she squawked before I could ask her the same thing. She whipped a knife out of her jacket and brandished it at me. “Are you stalking me now, you fucking bitch?”

Whoa, talk about going from zero to one hundred in an instant.

“Why the hell would I stalk a pathetic excuse for a human being like you?” I shot back. “I didn’t even see you until you smacked into me.”

“Youbumped intome. I knew you had to be some kind of psycho. Get the fuck away from me!”

She waved the knife, but I didn’t flinch. Maybe it was time Gia found out exactly what happened when you went around throwing insults at the wrong people. I didn’t even bother reaching for the switchblade in my pocket—just my fists against Gia seemed like an awfully unbalanced fight.

“I have just as much right to be here as you do,” I said evenly. “So why don’t you scamper off and leave me to my business?”

She scoffed. “If you don’t take offrightnow, I’m gonna—”

I didn’t get to find out what she was going to threaten me with—and how hard I was going to laugh at the thought—because just then a cool, hard voice rang out from behind me.

“If it isn’t my lovely fiancée. Come to pay me a visit?”

My body turned to ice. I spun around and came face to face with Colt Bryant.