Rowan was still watching me. “What are you up to now?”

“Just finding ways to fulfill the job your boss gave me,” I said. “I’d rather do it without spectators.”

He looked as if he might have said something more, but then he just shook his head and walked away. Good. I didn’t want to find out what he’d say if he realized I was heading back to my hometown.

Technically, going into the Bend right now was dangerous. Colt probably still had the Steel Knights on the lookout for me. But I knew that place better than the back of my own hand. The streets were my home. I’d just stick to Claws territory, keep my head low, and there’d be nothing to worry about.

I slipped into the house just long enough to grab my new hoodie, which was a little hot for the current weather but would help me avoid notice, and a switchblade someone had left on a side table. Their loss, my gain. I tucked the knife into the hoodie’s pocket and stuffed the hoodie under my arm for now. No need to draw attention around here before I was well on my way. Kaige had already spotted me taking off once before.

And speak of the devil, as I crossed the lawn, guess who came sauntering out of the garage, his gaze immediately zeroing in on me. Shit.

Kaige grinned when he saw me. “I hope you’re not being a bad kitty and running off on us again.”

Annoyance shot through me at his riff off Wylder’s nickname, but I shook it off. I wasn’t going to waste time here. Besides, just the sight of him made my lips tingle as the memory of our hot and heavy make-out session crowded my head. “I was just heading out to look into something that might help clear your name.”

One corner of his mouth curled upward. “Need a ride? It’d save you spending your ring money on another taxi. I’m done with my car for the day.”

I blinked, startled by the unexpectedly generous offer. The cab ride to my house the other night hadn’t been cheap. “Yeah, that would be perfect, actually.”

“Follow me,” he said, and had to add one of his sly winks. “We could even warm up the engine before you go.”

I rolled my eyes, but I followed him as he returned to the garage, which was a two-story building with a huge metal door. Kaige tapped in a code, and the door yawned open to reveal a sprawling bay. There were several cars haphazardly parked next to each other. I recognized Wylder’s Mustang. There was a night-black Jaguar next to it, which I wouldn’t be surprised to find out belonged to him too.

“One of the few areas where I’d disagree with Wylder is his taste in cars,” Kaige said as if he could read my thoughts. “He’s more of a style over substance man.”

I followed him into the bay. “So which one is yours?”

He pointed to a sleek dark blue Audi. I walked up to it and ran a finger down the hood. It looked like a car Kaige would drive, not too flashy but with an undeniable presence. Just like him.

He leaned against the car and eyed me with some interest.

“What?” I asked.

“I didn’t say anything.”

“You’re really going to let me drive off in this thing, no further questions asked?” It was hard to believe it’d be that easy.

Kaige shrugged. “You’re going to try to get me out of trouble. I kind of owe you, don’t I?” A lazy grin crossed his face. “Anyway, Gideon has all our cars outfitted with his fancy tracking devices and all that shit. You wouldn’t get far with it if you tried anything sneaky.”

I hadn’t been planning on it, but that was good to know in case I ever had the urge to turn car thief. I held out my hand. “All right then. Where’s the key?”

He pointed to his jeans pocket. “Right here. Come and get it.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, knowing exactly what he was doing. Undeterred, I hung my hoodie from a side mirror and marched up to him. He watched me through hooded eyes, his smoldering gaze tracing a path slowly from my legs to my face.

I made a grab for his pocket, but he dodged and snatched the key out before I’d gotten to so much as grope his muscular thigh. I raised an eyebrow. “Give it to me.”

Kaige grinned and held the key up high. “You’ll have to try harder than that.”

I stood up on my toes and reached, but he was just too damn tall. I’d never win this fight fairly, so I made use of my own bodily assets. Leaning in, I pushed my tits against his hard chest and then did a wiggle so that his body was deeply aware of the soft mounds. Kaige froze.

I took the opportunity to yank his hand down and grab the key. But maybe that was all part of his plan too. Before I could skip out of reach, he closed his arms around me. “Where do you think you’re going?” he rumbled. “I’m not done with you yet.” Then he ducked his head and caught my mouth with his.

Some small part of me wanted to push him away like I had in the hall. But it was averysmall part, and the rest of me was screaming to just enjoy this moment already.

I deserved this, didn’t I? I sure as hell didn’t owe my ex-fiancé anything. And maybe if I let loose some of the sexual tension that’d been building inside me, my hormones would quit going haywire over Wylder’s antics. I didn’t really trust himorKaige, but between the two of them, I’d rather put my body in Kaige’s hands any day.

Those thoughts whipped through my mind, and I gave in to my desire. As Kaige’s mouth ravaged mine, I gave back just as good.