
Bam,bam, bam.

Every shot hit the target smack in the middle of the chest. I adjusted the gun in my hands, the feel of the butt heavy but comforting against my palm, and aimed at the head next.

Bam, bam, bam.Another perfect tattered hole. Smiling, I switched on the safety, removed my earplugs, and set the gun on the table next to the array of other weapons.

I picked up my phone and added the model to my list of mastered guns. Testing the new makes that came in, especially 9mms, on our personal range was one of my favorite activities. All the chaos that came with this life fell away with the muffled blare of the shots and the jolt of the kickback. Simple, direct, powerful. Exactly the way I aimed to be in all things.

A voice carried across the lawn from behind me. “Wylder.”

I looked up to see Gia sashaying toward me. She almost tripped on a dip in the grass when she neared me, but I made no attempt to reach for her.

I let my expression darken. “What are you doing here? No one except the official crew is allowed on the range.”

The ditz giggled and twirled a strand of her blonde hair. “It’s fine. I’m not scared of guns.” The way she eyed the weapons arranged on the table suggested otherwise. “Are you practicing?”

“Checking out some of the merchandise. I don’t need practice.” The first time my father had brought me out here, I’d been six years old. And he’d ridden me even harder after—

I dismissed that thought before it could rise all the way to the surface.

Gia giggled. “I’m sure you’ve got great aim. I’d love to watch you work.”

“Sorry to tell you I was just finishing up.”

As I moved to sweep the guns back into the crate, she sidled up to me, running a finger down my neck. I grasped her hand and pushed it away. I’d only tolerated her fawning earlier for Mercy’s sake. The look on the Katz’s princess’s face when Gia had practically climbed onto me had been priceless.

She curled her lip into a pout she probably thought was sexy. “If you don’t like that, why don’t you tell me what you would like?”

I ignored that question. “What doyouwant, Gia?”

“I was just hoping to get to know you better,” she said, putting both her arms around my shoulder.

I had the strongest urge to roll my eyes. I could see through her bullshit from miles away. She was no different from the countless girls who walked in and out of my life—just particularly desperate. She was after the power and protection that came with being a Noble woman, either as a mistress or something more permanent.

It was no good telling her that this life would slowly strip her off her dignity and respect—either they never believed it or they didn’t give a fuck. It wasn’t evenmeshe wanted, just my proximity to power.

If I pushed her away hard enough, she’d find someone else to latch onto without more than a moment’s regret. The whole thing left a sour taste in my mouth.

“Wylder!” somebody called out. Mercy was striding toward us, moving like a force of fury and spitfire. When she saw Gia hanging off my arm, her face tightened.

A twisted sort of satisfaction coursed through me. To piss her off, I pulled the other girl closer. Even Gia looked shocked for a second before she snuggled against me.

Unfortunately, Mercy didn’t look fazed. And the defiant energy radiating off her was having way too much effect on my cock.

She slammed a piece of paper on the table with so much strength I practically hit half-mast just like that. “What the fuck is this supposed to mean?”

Down, boy, I thought at my least obedient body part, and frowned at the paper. It held a pen drawing, rough and amateurish. “Why am I looking at this?”

She set her hands on her perfectly curved hips. “The great Wylder Noble can’t figure it out for himself?”

My gaze lingered on the cat ears and then the vicious gouge along the figure’s throat. Hmm. Before answering her, I turned to Gia. “I need to deal with this, babe,” I said with a smile. “See you later?”

Gia sighed. Beside me, Mercy’s fists balled at her sides. Toying with her was fast becoming my favorite activity.

Gia unstuck herself from me reluctantly and sauntered away. When I turned to Mercy, she was looking at me with barely hidden disdain. It almost made me laugh, but I managed to keep a straight face. “That’s the company you enjoy keeping?” she said.