
The second timeI left the Noble mansion, I didn’t bother to sneak. No one hadsaidI wasn’t allowed to leave, and I was planning on sticking to Paradise City this time anyway. I needed to get out of that place to clear my mind and let everything I’d learned hopefully settle into something I could make sense of.

I also needed to stop relying on borrowed clothes. One less thing for Wylder to hold over my head as he was so fond of doing whenever he could.

I returned just as dusk pinkened the sky, carrying a few shopping bags. Kaige had been right: pawning off my engagement ring had given me a sizable chunk of change—and no small amount of satisfaction to boot. Thanks to a thrift store down the street from the pawn shop, I had a decent array of jeans and shirts I could call my own, as well as a wallet to keep the rest in. A convenience store farther down had supplied me with a burner phone I had to think might come in handy. That was all I needed for now.

I’d never been able to earn any money of my own without Dad taking it over. I wasn’t going to spend this windfall all at once.

As I began to climb the staircase to the guest room, a screechy voice called out from behind me. “Well, well, well, look who we have here.”

I turned around to face Gia, who was scowling at my bags. Great, my favorite person in the house. And considering Anthea was also living here, that was saying a lot.

I suppressed a sigh. “What do you want?”

She curled her painted-red lips in a sneer. “Whose credit card did you steal to buy all of that stuff?”

“News flash: I don’t answer to you.” I spun around and continued up the stairs, figuring we were done, but apparently she was feeling particularly irritating today. Her strappy sandals tapped against the hardwood. She caught up with me just as I reached the second floor.

“Don’t think I don’t know what you’re doing here. Acting like the victim, trying to get the guys all wrapped around your finger.”

Oh, she was one to talk. I whirled on her. “I have no interest in wrapping the guys around myanything, like I’ve told you before. The only person obsessed with them here is you.”

She glowered at me. “You think you can steal them out from under the people who’ve been there for them so much longer, all because you have some stupid sob story. Please.” She jerked her chin toward my bags. “And now you’re stealing who knows what else from them. It’s obvious trash like you can’t afford these things.”

My patience was fraying fast. Anger bubbled up inside me. I waslookingat the trash, and I was starting to think it was time I took her out. “You have no idea who I am.”

“Oh really?” Gia jutted her hip to one side. “Who are you exactly? A whiny little bitch who thinks she can sidle up to the guys and suddenly she’ll be part of their circle? Doesn’t matter what crazy ideas you have—a whore is still a whore.”

I dropped my bags. “You—”

“Ladies!” Kaige ambled down the hall toward us. He looked between Gia and me. “What’s this about?”

“Your groupie is accusing me of stealing,” I said. In more ways than one, none of them true. “I think you need to put her on a leash.”

“You bitch.” Gia took a step toward me.

Kaige pulled her back by the arm. “That’s enough.”

Gia blinked at him, immediately looking like a lost puppy. I sputtered a laugh, remembering how just seconds ago she’d been accusingmeof pulling a poor-me act. “But Kaige,” she simpered, “she—”

He cut her off, clearly unmoved by her performance. “You’ve been hassling her since she showed up. Shouldn’t dish it out if you can’t take it, you know.”

“Kaige, you don’t understand.” Her hair flipped over her shoulder as she turned to look at me. “This cunt was strutting around acting as if she owns you.”

Any good humor in Kaige’s voice fled. His eyes flashed, and he shoved her away. “Don’t you dare call her that. You’re lucky she hasn’t already beat you down.”

Gia hugged herself. “I was just trying to protect you,” she insisted.

“Get lost, Gia. Now.” Kaige gave her a look of utter disgust and turned away. “I don’t want to hear another word.”

An expression of dismay crossed Gia’s face. Her lips quivered and then pressed together, her eyes closing for a second as if she was trying hard not to cry. Huh. I didn’t think that was an act. He wasn’t even looking at her now. She seemed to be… genuinely upset.

I almost felt bad for her. Almost. Gia was still a bitch, and if I wasn’t going to put her in her place, I was glad someone else had.

She peered at Kaige a second longer and then darted away, swiping her hand across her face. Well, maybe if she hadn’t been such a pain in the ass, he’d have liked her more.