Rowan shrugged. “Bacon and eggs works for me too.”

Somehow it irritated me that he hadn’t asked for anything else, like he was trying to cut me a break I hadn’t asked for. Gritting my teeth, I stomped over to the fridge and retrieved an onion, a block of cheese, a carton of eggs, and a package of bacon. I knew at least enough to figure out that the onion should go in first.

I found a cutting board and a knife and started chopping away. It took all of three seconds before my eyes stung with tears.

Wylder stepped up behind me. “That’s not how you do it.”

I scowled. “Will you let me work?”

Wylder smiled, feigning innocence. “I’m just trying to be helpful, since you said you weren’t much of a cook and all.”

I nearly rolled my eyes out of my head. “No thanks. I’m sure I can figure it out on my own.”

The asshole reached for my hand anyway. For one instant, I thought he would pry the knife right out of my hand. Instead, his fingers curled around mine over the handle. A thrum ran through my body as his strong hand flexed, adjusting his grip, holding me in place with his other hand settling on my waist. Warmth washed through me all down my side.

“I don’t think you can, Kitty Cat,” he said in a sexy, bossy voice that left me breathless despite myself. My insides clenched. He was trying to take charge… and I kind of wanted to let him, damn it.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed Rowan straightening up to get a closer look. When I glanced at him, daring him to say something, he went back to fiddling with a delivery menu someone had left on the island.

Wylder’s breath tickled hot down my neck. “I think I need to teach you how to chop up onions nicely. You see, cooking is an art.”

I contained the shiver that ran down my spine at his proximity. I wanted to turn around and shove him away, while another insane part of me had the urge to pull him even closer just so I could soak up all of his heat.

“If you don’t create the perfect base, nothing you make is going to taste good.” As he spoke, he directed my hands back to the cutting board and slowly chopped the first few slices, his actions almost sensual. I bit my lip as his hips brushed mine. He practically had me locked in an embrace. His leather-and-brandy scent filled my nose, and I might have leaned into him just the slightest bit—

Wylder stepped away with a sly look on his face that I wanted to smack right off it. “See, not that hard, right?”

I glared at him. He knew exactly what he’d been doing to me. Still grinning, he took a seat on the kitchen island next to Kaige, who was watching me appreciatively.

“I could get used to seeing you in an apron,” the bigger guy said.

I waved the knife at him. “In your dreams, maybe.”

Once the onions were sizzling, I cracked the eggs one by one, trying to remember how I’d seen my grandma cook for me whenever I went to her house. I was aware of everybody’s stare on my back—especially Kaige’s, whose hot gaze made my stomach knot. Anthea seemed to be studying my every move as if she were going to write a report on my performance.

Rowan and Gideon stayed in the periphery. Any time my gaze slipped over Rowan, he was scowling almost as if he was annoyed to be there, spinning a pen between his fingers.

After I’d beaten the eggs with a fork, I rummaged in the kitchen cabinets, searching for the pepper and salt. Then I scrambled to turn down the heat, since the onions were quickly heading from lightly browned to blackened. I’d never hear the end of it if I burned this meal.

“For somebody who doesn’t know how to cook, you’re doing it quite well,” Anthea observed dryly. I didn’t quite know what to make of her. I definitely didn’t get friendly vibes from her.

Somehow I didn’t think she meant her words as a compliment. It was hard not to wonder what tricks she had up her sleeve that were deadlier than her little truth serum. “Thanks,” I muttered.

As I started to toss the eggs in the pan, Kaige took a deep sniff of the air. “Smells great.”

“It’s just onions and eggs.”

“With a hint of you,” he said with a wink. “That’s what makes it better.”

A smile tugged at my lips despite myself. First Wylder was getting to me, then Kaige—what the hell was wrong with me? I wiped the smile off my face, replacing it with a frown.

These guys were my potential allies—nothing more than that. They sure as hell weren’t my friends. I’d been slaving away for the past two days without much sign of anything changing.

When the omelet was done, I scraped it onto plates in four portions. Then I popped several strips of bacon onto the pan. Feeling pleased with how well I’d stayed on top of things so far, I threw a few pieces of bread into the toaster oven for good measure.

Anthea came around the counter to inspect me. I pushed the bacon around the pan with the spatula, trying to fry it as evenly as possible. That was the goal, right? If I remembered right, Grandma’s trick had been to hold the pan a bit higher than the flame and then toss it with a flick of her wrist.

I grasped the handle, but for a moment the memory of my grandmother in her kitchen gripped me so vividly I couldn’t move. A burning sensation crept up through my chest to the back of my eyes.