Page 9 of Gabbriello Deluca

“Boss, we are family. I would give my life for this family,” Rinaldo said as Gabbriello’s hand continued to grip his shoulder.

“Rinaldo, you are one of my best lieutenants and have been like a brother to me.” He released his hold on his shoulder. As Mr. E. handed him a machete. “But I cannot say the same for all of you.”

He paused as he looked at the machete. “My father always said in order to kill a snake, you have to cut off its head.” Gabbriello swung the machete with such force that you barely heard the blade slice through the bones in Wilfredo’s neck before his head rolled onto the floor.

Blood splattered all over the walls and on the men seated nearby. Everyone scrambled in their seats as they backed away in fear, except for Rinaldo. Wilfredo’s body slumped onto the table. Some held their hands over their mouths to keep from throwing up while the terror in the eyes of most said it all. They now knew that Gabbriello Deluca was not someone you wanted to fuck with.

“Sit the fuck down,” Gabbriello yelled at the rest of the men as blood gushed out of Wilfredo’s body all over the table.

Rinaldo wasn’t nervous because he was the one who found out that there were a few lieutenants trying to take over the organization and informed Gabbriello.

After confirming it was true, Gabbriello called the meeting. “Now I need you all to know the consequences of betraying this family.” He nodded to Mr. E. The two men standing beside him grabbed Tomas so he wouldn’t move as Mr. E. held his hand out.

Gabbriello looked at Tomas. “Did you think you take what’s mine?”

“No…, No it was Wilfredo who made me do it, I didn’t…,” Tomas stuttered as he tried to break free of the hold.

Gabbriello brought the machete down on the table severing his hand from his body.

Tomas screamed in pain as his blood ran on the table mixing with Wilfredo’s blood.

“I also can’t have weak-willed men working for me.” Gabbriello said as he handed Mr. E. the machete. He then pulled out his gun and shot Tomas between the eyes.

Mr. E. handed Gabbriello a warm damp cloth to wipe the blood off his hands. But splattered blood remained on Gabbriello’s face.

He glared at his remaining lieutenants. “I don’t want to have this discussion with any of you again, do you understand?” he asked in a low, menacing voice.

“Yes, boss,” they said in unison.

“Good, meeting adjourned.” He said as he threw the cloth on Wilfredo’s body. He nodded towards Rinaldo, and he got up to walk out of the room by his side, along with Nicholas.

Andrew walked behind them.

Gabbriello passed a few familiar faces he recognized as the cleanup team outside the door. He knew Mr. E. would handle everything from this point.

Andrew opened the door for Gabbriello, Rinaldo and Nicholas, before getting behind the driver’s seat and heading to the Emerald Club.

“You know how to set a tone,” Nicholas said with a smile.

Rinaldo opened the compartment in front of his seat and handed Gabbriello a moist towel. “You have blood on your face,” he smirked as he pointed to his chin. Gabbriello snatched the cloth from him and wiped his face as they rode in silence.


“Fuck. You feel so good. Fuck me harder!” she begged as she looked up at him.

Gabbriello stared down at the stranger he met only an hour ago and smirked as he continued to pound her. Gabbriello had not planned on a random hookup tonight. But after the day he had, he needed to release some stress.

One hour earlier…

After his meeting, Gabbriello and Rinaldo stopped by the club to see his brother, Mariano Deluca, check on things and update his brother on his meeting. They had a few drinks and before Rinaldo left. Gabbriello hung out longer with his brother and was about to leave when the beautiful woman, now laying under him, caught his eye. He hadn’t seen her in the Emerald Club before. Her long blonde hair and dark green eyes. Oh wait, maybe she had blue eyes? It didn’t matter. When her eyes connected with Gabbriello’s, he knew he wanted to fuck her.

It didn’t take long for him to see in her eyes that she wanted the same thing. The desire for him to take control and fuck her to hell and back. Gabbriello brought her a drink and they indulged in meaningless chit-chat before he led the woman out of the club and across the street to the Deluca Hotel.

Gabbriello had been in power over five years and in that brief span of time, he had tripled his family’s revenue and was now the owner of the lavish hotel It was conveniently located across the street from the club that he and his brother owned together.

They walked through the lobby towards the elevator. Once in the elevator, Gabbriello hit the button to the tenth floor. He lived in the penthouse on the top floor, but he never took random women to his place. He always used a separate room. Although the hotel had been booked solid for the next several months, his employees knew to always keep room 1025 cleaned and available for his personal use. It was among the smaller rooms, but he didn’t need an enormous suite for the purpose of sex. In fact, he rather enjoyed the fact that the king-size bed took up most of the room. It left less room for personality and the more distant and less connected they felt, the better.

After closing the door behind them, he set the key card down on the table beside the entryway. The woman walked deeper into the room and stared at the king-size bed with fresh linen sheets. He could tell by the way she looked at the bed, she was fantasizing about what was about to happen and he would not disappoint. She turned to face him and Gabbriello stared at her with his dark, seductive eyes and began unbuttoning his white dress shirt.