Page 44 of Gabbriello Deluca

Mr. E. put a gun to Nicholas’ head “Now,” was the only word Mr. E. said, prompting most of the guards in the room to draw their weapons and point them at Big D and the only bodyguards that remained loyal to him.

Layla continued to point her guns at Nicholas as she moved closer to him.

Gabbriello glared at Big D. “There’s still the issue of you trying to kill me,” Gabbriello said as he pulled out one of his nine millimeters and pointed it at Big D. “As you can see, most of your men work for me now. One of them told me an interesting story about how you and Nicholas were blackmailing Miranda. You were trying to get her to set me up. When she couldn’t go through with it, you had her killed.”

“What the fuck is going on,” Big D said as his cigar fell out of his mouth.

Mr. E. shot both men standing behind Big D, in the head. Big D stumbled back as their bodies hit the floor with a thud. Mr. E. then turned and shot the last guard that stayed loyal to Big D.

“Did you really think I would show up here and kill you unprepared? Gabbriello smirked. “As you can see, most of your men now work for me and the ones that chose not to, well…,” he nodded to the dead men on the floor. Gabbriello pointed his gun at Big D. “I told you I would kill you, you fat fuck.”

“Wait Gabe, we can talk about this, there is more money to be made for both of us,” Big D stuttered as he put his hands up.

“Time’s up,” Gabbriello said as he pulled the trigger and shot Big D. right between his eyes. His body slumped over in his chair. Gabbriello stuck his gun back in his holster. “Bring him.” He said to the guards as he nodded towards Nicholas.

“I have a team waiting to clean up this mess,” Mr. E. whispered to Gabbriello. He nodded as he walked over to Layla, “Let’s go,” he whispered softly in her ear as she lowered her weapons but still glared at Nicholas as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Gabbriello took her guns and handed them to Mariano before slipping his hand around her waist and guiding her out of the office. The cleanup team was waiting to move in. Gabbriello knew that Mr. E. would make sure that no one would ever find those bodies.


Gabbriello and Rinaldo walked into the well-lit warehouse where Mr. E. was holding Nicholas. The warehouse sat on thirty acres of land that was owned by Gabbriello. They equipped the extensive building with an arsenal of weapons and cars. It was also a fortified bucker if they needed somewhere to stay. The building was soundproof, and they filled one large room in the warehouse with everything they needed to deal with, individuals who had to be punished. They designated that room as Hell’s Waiting Room. If they took you to that room, your next stop was hell.

Gabbriello took a deep breath before opening the door. He knew this execution would be harder than any he had done in the past. Nicholas was family until he turned on them. He walked through the doorway and saw Nicholas strapped to the chair. The only other persons in the room besides Nicholas were Rinaldo, and Mr. E. Gabbriello didn’t trust anyone else to be there. He walked around Mr. E., stood in front of Nicholas, and looked at his bloodied face.

They strapped Nicholas to a torture chair, waiting for his fate to be carried out. He looked up at Gabbriello and tried to show strength as blood and saliva ran from his mouth.

“We were brothers. I shared everything with you, and you betray me like this? My brother, you tried to kill me?” Gabbriello asked as he glared at Nicholas. Gabbriello was more hurt than angry. Nicholas was older than him, but he always had Gabbriello’s back. This betrayal shook him to his core. He had him questioning everyone was loyal to him. But in the end, he realized Nicholas had always been an opportunist who only cared about himself. The signs were there, but Gabbriello ignored them because they were like family. And because they were friends, Gabbriello decided he would personally carry out the orders from the family.

“Take the gag off his mouth.”

Mr. E. did as instructed.

“Do you have any last words?” Gabbriello asked him.

“Don’t do this, Gabe, you don’t have to do this,” Nicholas pleaded.

“Don’t you fucking beg for your life,” Gabbriello roared, unable to contain his anger any longer. “We’re beyond the point of begging. Your fate has been decided and you will die tonight. Now if you would like to get anything off your chest that may help you get into heaven...” Gabbriello said as Mr. E. handed him the machete. He slowly walked to the side of Nicholas.

Nicholas’ eyes followed him as he walked around him.

Gabbriello could see the fear in his eyes. “For committing the ultimate sin of betraying your family…,” Gabbriello raised the sharp blade in the air and came down on Nicholas’ left hand, severing it from his body with one blow. “Your sentence is to have your hands, feet and head severed from your body and burned. We will bury your body in an unmarked grave and no one will ever speak your name again.” Gabbriello walked around to the other side as Nicholas screamed out in pain as blood ran onto the floor.

“Don’t do this, Gabe. Please end it now. Put a bullet in my head,” Nicholas yelled.

Gabbriello glared at him but didn’t respond.

“Just fucking kill me and get it over,” Nicholas spat as his blood coated the wooden floor.

Gabbriello raised the knife again and came down on his right hand and watched as it hit the floor. The metallic smell that filled the air was becoming unbearable as Gabbriello stood in front of him. He ignored Nicholas’ pleas as he nodded to Mr. E.

Mr. E. retrieved a smaller knife from the table, stood in front of Nicholas and carved the word traitor on his chest. Nicholas screamed as the knife sliced through his skin. Gabbriello stood back as he looked at the red fluid run down from the word traitor. He felt sick to his stomach. The smell and sight of impending death didn’t bother him. That came with the territory, but when it was someone, you loved, the feeling of loss gutted him like a fish.

Rinaldo stood to the side and looked at Gabbriello. “Do you want me to finish, boss?” he asked as he looked at Gabbriello.

Gabbriello inhaled sharply as he continued to stare at Nicholas. “No, I need to finish this,” he said as he leaned in, raised the sharp, bloody blade, and quickly cut both his feet off. The wrenching screams that came from Nicholas were something he would probably never forget, and the look that glazed over his eyes would haunt him for a while. Gabbriello dropped the Machete and pulled out his Glock. “Goodbye Nicholas. I will see you again in hell,” he said before pointing the gun at his head and pulling the trigger.

The small hole in the center of his head was in stark contrast to the large opening the bullet left as it exited the back of his head.